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Tw! ⚠️
Again trigger warning!
San will be a character with kinks that could make some people feel uncomfortable. Again, I want to warn you. This story is no sweet and cute romcom
This is a dark romance story

 This story is no sweet and cute romcom This is a dark romance story

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S a n.
I could hear them laughing, talking and drinking the entire time when I tried to work all night long to keep up with the pace that I set for myself. Wooyoung's high laugh hit my ear several times making me smile for some kind of reason.

Today was exhausting. Not only because I had to think about the imagery from earlier, Wooyoung in a silky robe with wet hair, but also because today I actually craved some conversations. And not those that would revolve around business, no. I craved some good deep conversations.

These were the kind of evenings that I thought about finally being with someone. All these years I've been very happy with my life, my work and my goals yet I've never considered to feel some kind of inner stress that would make me feel like I had to find someone who loved me

I bet that Felix's parents gave Wooyoung lots of alcohol. And I also bet that Felix, who was never able to handle alcohol, already passed out somewhere not caring about bringing his boyfriend to bed.

My finger met my scalp, softly massaging it. I needed to focus again but I wouldn't let myself since I only thought about Wooyoung the entire day. Yes, I thought of him the entire day.

I heard footsteps that got closer and closer to my home office. My eyes traveled to the door that I opened hoping Wooyoung would visit me today. It was almost embarrassing to admit that I only left my door open for him.

And to my surprise, not even a minute later I heard a soft knock on the door and two deer eyes that looked into the office curiously.

I tried to hide my happiness about him giving me a visit but I immediately noticed that he must've felt a bit tipsy since he couldn't stand up straight. He had to hold onto the doorframe for a second and then slowly entered the room

"Hey" he mumbled shyly, which sounded unbelievably cute to me. A little smirk formed on my mouth. I tilted my head and gave him a sign to come further into my room.

"Hey" I replied loosely trying to hide my excitement. My eyes traveled up and down noticing how the boy always looked chic and beautiful even though he only wore simple clothes. The oversized shirt he wore looked so big on him that he looked adorable wearing it but still very cool.

His cheeks had a little flush on them, which told me that he definitely had some Soju or beer downstairs. It looked quite sweet how he bit his underlip unsure about what he actually wanted to say.

"Why do you never join?" he said with a soft smile on his lips. I bet he knew the answer, obviously I always had to work. Well, I didn't have to work but I wanted to work. I took a deep breath because I saw how tipsy the smaller felt. He didn't look too drunk yet his skin looked flushed

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