1. Daylight

13 0 0

April 2014
I couldn't get rid of the smile that had spread across my face. It felt unnatural, being unfamiliar with that sentiment lately. I didn't know if it was happiness or nervousness, but the smile was plastered there, nonetheless.

I had done it. I had thrown my hook—place my bet— on myself, yet again. I had to return the following morning, to receive the approval or the kick in my ass out of a sponsorship, but that was okay. I was sure I was going to get the deal.

I walked out of the building, thanking the door man before stepping out, with more free hours to spare than expected. I had planned to call an old friend to meet tomorrow, before returning back home. Not home home, but where I resided for the last four years. But I could very well just do it today.

I pulled out my cellphone, looking for his name in my contact list.

"What's up, boss? How you doing?" Isaiah Rodriguez asked with a groan. I could hear him struggling with something on his end. Probably playing Fifa, I guessed.

"Dandy, papi. I'm here on your side of the world. Let's go get a beer." I responded, in a playful tone.

Isaiah sneered. "No way. Let's do some shots! I'm in the mood for tequila."

"Guey, I have an interview tomorrow. Something easy, okay?" I pleaded to him. I knew how out of control we could get after a few drinks. Me more than him, who enviously had great endurance.

Isaiah sighed, setting whatever he was working on on a glass surface. "Okay, fine. But let me call Emma, she lives in the city, too."

"Emma? Really?" I answered, clearly surprised.

"Take it easy. She's going to be happy to see you." Isaiah mumbled, trying to place his phone on speaker.

I wasn't trying to avoid her. I was just really surprised to find her here. I had no idea she had moved to Houston. Isaiah made sure to join the three-way call.

Emma picked up at the third ring, agitated. "Isa, I'm doing cardio. This better be important." She let out, breathlessly.

"Emma, baby, let's go have dinner. Your friend, Tommy wants us to give him a ride around the block."

"You're an idiot!" Emma laughed. She decided to keep at his game. "Okay, fine, let's go. I'll invite Justin Bieber."

"Hi, babe!" I interceded with a chuckle.

My voice made Emma take in a deep breath. "Is it really you? No way!" She exclaimed an octave above.

"Really, guey! What's up? To where?" I answered, my smile from ear to ear returning.

Emma stopped running to answer calmly. It took her a minute to get her breathing on track. "I'll see you at Montys at eight. I'll send you the address. And Isa, please, dress accordingly."

She doesn't let our friend respond, hanging up on the call.

I cracked a laugh up. "You are infamous for your fashion sense." I added.

"Shut it, puto!" Isaiah buffed.

Both Isaiah and I waited, punctually, at the sidewalk in front of Montys. I had been the first to arrive, but not too long after, Isaiah had joined me, greeting me with a hug. We had seen each other after our high school graduation once, but it had been a couple of years since then.

Isaiah had obeyed our friend. He was wearing a bit-loose jeans, without any rhinestones per her request, a white simple shirt, and black shoes. His dark and curly hair was cut as much as it could without seeming bald, making him look older than the last time I had seen him. The dark circles over his olive skin helped him with the mature look.

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