Season 1 chapter 2: A new beginning

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Currently, we see our favorite delinquent in an interrogation room handcuffed to a chair and grumbling impatiently before the door on the other side of the room opens revealing a normal looking slightly well dressed man with a suitcase .

Normal-looking man: Good evening Delsin Rowe ,I'm Detective Tsukauchi and I'll be asking you a few questions.*calmly*

Delsin: You know if you're gonna arrest someone maybe don't leave them handcuffed for two hours! *yelling*

Tsukauchi could only sigh as he brings out a briefcase,opening it reveals different files on Delsin.

Tsukauchi: Look kid, I wanna help you but you do have a long history violence. *gestring to the papers* and you did use your quirk in public-

Delsin: Yeah cause I didn't I would have died! *cutting him off* plus most of those times were self defense.

Tsukauchi: *Pausing* What exactly happened?

Delsin:*scoffs* Like you would believe me.

Tsukauchi: Delsin....I don't believe these files, not one bit *taking the brief case of the table* and I do genuinely want to help you*giving him a determine look* So please tell me what happened.

Delsin: *sighing* Fine....

(Time skip)-20 minutes later

Tsukauchi stares at Delsin with a completely unreadable expression on his face much to the boy's annoyance.

Delsin: See I told you completely umbelive-

Tsukauchi: I believe you.

Delsin: What? *surprised*

Tsukauchi: Everything you just said, everything that happened to you, I believe it.

Delsin: How do you know I'm not just making it up.

Tsukauchi: I like to re-introduce myself *putting his hand to his chest* I'm detective Tsukauchi and my quirk just so happens to be lie detection, So if you were lying I would be able to tell. But *becoming serious* I do believe you're in great danger.


(Police hallway)

Currently Delsin was sitting head in his hands going processing the information he was given utterly confused on what his next steps were.

Delsin:(least betty and the others are safe but what the hell am i going to do)*sighing*

???: Huh ,you have a much kinder face than I was expecting. *nonchalantly*

Delsin: Huh! *jumping up in surprise*

Looking up he saw a well dressed woman with raven hair looking back at him.

Raven-haired woman: Sooooo are you perhaps Delsin Rowe by any chance.

Delsin: Yeah.....what's it to you? *eyes narrowing*

Raven haired woman: Relax I doubt anyone would be brave enough to attack you in the middle of a police station besides, we'll be living together for the foreseeable future so i'll like it if we could get along. *smiling*

Delsin: Wha- who are you

Raven haired woman: I'm your guardian


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