Season 1 Chapter 8: Moving Forward.(final)

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It was a couple of hours after the USJ incident , Midoriya and All Might have exited the room leaving Delsin and Recover girl alone. The stayed silent before Delsin spoke up.

Delsin: Listen not that I'm disappointed to hang around a pro hero, but why can't I go home?

Recovery Girl: There's something I want to discuss about your quirk, I do also believe your guardian should be here.

As if on cue a certain raven haired woman alive to the scene panting heavily.

Midnight: I came... as soon as I could.

Recovery Girl: Ahhh ,Kayama-san I'm glad you arrived please have a set.

The woman did as she was told and sat down near Delsin trying to steady her breathing.

Delsin: Alright now that she's here what do you wanna talk about?

Recovery Girl: Right.

The older lady picked up a remote and clicked a button showcasing an x-ray of two human arms.

Recovery girl: The picture on the left was Delsin's arm after the attack on the USJ.As you can see he's arm almost always completely shattered *Pointing at the right photo* The picture on the light on the other hand was captured a few hours after.

Midnight How, it's almost completely healed.

Recovery Girl: *nodding* I originally thought that Delsin's quirk had a laten healing aspect but was wrong. It appears that Injured cells in his body converted themselves into smoke before being rejuvenated themselves.

Delsin: So what like a healing factor?

Recovery girl: In simpler times yes *Pointing cane threateningly* but that is no excuse to act reckless.

Midnight: I'm sure he understands.

Recovery girl: He won't understand anything if you keep spoiling him! *sighing* But to be on the safer side we would still need to conduct some tests, I would recommend a much lighter exercise routine than usual.

Midnight: Anything else I should be worried about. *worried*

Recovery Girl:*checking notes* Apart from some minor discomfort he should be fine in a couple of hours.

Midnight: *now bowing* Thank you Chiyo-san.


(Midnight's Car)

The sky was beginning to get much darker as the two occupants of a car stayed silent until.

Delsin: Something tells me this fast healing thing is going to come in real handy.

Midnight said nothing.

Delsin:I wonder if I get my hand chopped off would it grow-

Midnight immediately hit the brakes causing the car to come to a halt cutting Delsin off.

Midnight: Delsin you... almost died today.*sternly*

Delsin: Yeah but it's fine, Midoriya and All might-

Midnight: I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about you *gripping the steering wheel* What were you thinking!

Delsin: I was thinking about not seeing my teacher and my classmates get murdered in front of me!

Midnight: That's not the point, there's a difference between risking your life and throwing it away *turning to him* You were throwing it away!

Before the boy could respond the sound of a nearby call horn was blateing in the background bringing the two out of their argument realizing that they were at an intersection, midnight immediately took the time and the two spent the rest of the ride in silence.


(midnight's apartment)

After another 5 minutes the door to midnight's apartment opened, Delsin immediately went to the couch to rest his tired body while midnight kicked off her shoes.

Midnight: Let me know if you feel up for eating or -

The woman was cut off by the sound of soft snoring. Looking over she saw Delsin completely passed out on the couch.

Midnight: Did he seriously just pass out? *walking over* Guess I can't blame him for passing out.

Midnight then plays with his hat a little causing his hair to peek out.

Midnight: I'm glad you're safe Delsin Good night

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Midnight: I'm glad you're safe Delsin Good night. *turning off the lights*

(A/n: aaaaaaaaaaaand we are done with season 1 i know this wasn't the longest chapter but I really wanted to give a moment between Midnight and Delsin and provide more of an explanation on how healing in this continuity would sort of work. And yes Delsin look like a mini Aizawa with his hat removed ,any I'll see you all in in Season 2)

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