Season 1 chapter 3: Welcome to the hero course!!

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Author's note: I'm gonna change the way that I indicate the characters thinking because I realized from the last two chapters it can be confusing to read especially when their doing any action.Once again i'm sorry


It was a beautiful day, the birds were chirping,the sun was shining and little kids were complaining about going to school. It seemingly was the perfect day....until Delsin realized it was the first day of school, slowly turning over in his bed he grabbed his phone to check the time.

Delsin: *yawning* Did she really have to use her quirk on me geez *rubbing his eyes* What time is it anyway?

Upon checking his phone the once tired boy quickly shot up from his bed in pure panic.

Delsin: Craaaaap I'm gonna be late!!

After a few minutes delsin came bursting out of the apartment scrambling to put on his tie. Now normally he would travel along the rooftops to get to the train station. It was easier and also faster for him to do, but after being lectured by both Tsukauchi ,Midnight and being threatened with being arrested by some pro heroes he decided against least for now.

Delsin: *panting* (Midnight if I'm gonna be late because of you, you're dead!!)

(UA-Staff room at the same time)

Midnight: *sneezing*....Someone's thinking about me?

Tired man: *looks over* Gross.

(Time Skip)

Delsin was panting heavily through the halls of U.A. desperately looking for his homeroom while continuously cursing midnight under his breath.

Delsin: 1-A...1-A.....Where the hell is it ?!

As the exhaustion finally hit him, he spotted a sign that said 1-A.Dashing through the door he bumps into a familiar mop of green hair.

Delsin/Green-haired boy: Ah sorry!

Both the boys quickly look at each other as they remember the events during the entrance exams.

Delsin: Wait a minute, falling boy?

???: Hey! You're that Beanie kid from the exams!

Delsin: *Looking to the side* Gravity girl?,guess we all got into the same class cool.

???: If you're just gonna stand around and talk, I recommend going elsewhere.

The class became quiet as they turned toward the voice only to reveal a tired man in a sleeping bag.

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