Season 1 chapter 4: Heroes vs villains.

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(A/n: So as you probably guessed from the third chapter I decided to replace Sato with Delsin just because he really doesn't do that much in the actual series. Has this been done before in other stories? yes. Do I care? A little bit. Am I gonna have fun with it? Yup! Also really hoping you guys are liking the story so far)


It was currently the second day of school and much to the class's disappointment they were doing some of the required classes like english.

Present mic: Which of these four sentences contains a mistake?

Delsin,Ashido,Jiro,Kamanari: (So, Boring.)

Bakugou: This sucks. *grumbling*

Present mic: Hey, Hey, Hey, Look alive! English rules!


Lunch was being held at the main cafeteria, where all the students could eat gourmet food prepared by the pro hero lunch rush. Currently Delsin was eating with Midoriya,Iida and Uraraka before noticing bakugou staring at him. Delsin does the respectable thing in this situation and kindly flips him off catching the attention of the group at the table.

Iida: *Putting his hand down* That is no way to conduct yourself.

Uraraka: You really don't like bakugou. *smiling sheepishly*

Delsin: He's an asshole. *grumbling*


After lunch class 1-A next class was Basic Hero training.

All might: I am... here coming through the door like a normal person!

 here coming through the door like a normal person!

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Everyone: All might!

Delsin: It's really All might!

Kirishima: This years gonna be awesome!

Tsuyu: Isn't he wearing his silverage costume?

All Might: Welcome to the most important class at U.A, Think about it like "HeroIng 101" . Here you'll learn what it means to be a hero and how it's like to fight for the side of good! Let me ask you this? Do you know what one of the keys of being a hero is? Looking good!

All might points at the wall revealing suitcase containing everyone's hero outfits.

All might: Now get yourselves in your costumes and meet me at Ground Beta!

Everyone: Yes sir!


The scene opens on Ground beta where all might was waiting for the student as the students slowly approaches.

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