Season 1 Chapter 6:Encounter with the Unknown

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The scene opens as a bunch of villains appear out of a mysterious portal with a skinny man with pale skin leading the charge.

Kirishima: No way really villains and they're so many!?

Yaoyorozu: Shouldn't the alarm be going off?

Thirteen: I-i don't know

Delsin: Is the entire school being attacked? *worried*

Todoroki: Regardless if they're able to get past the security system one of them must have a quirk to mask their presence or something.Plus they purposely chose an isolated area separating us from the main campus.They're idiots for coming here but they thought this through carefully just what are they planning.

Aizawa: Thirteen Get the kids out of here and alert the main campus. Wait if they got past the sensors they must be blocking the signal somehow, Kaminari try and use your quirk to get in contact with anyone.

Kaminari: Right!

Midoriya: Wait you can't seriously be thinking of fighting them all by yourself, even if you can nullify quirk your fighting style isn't suited for all out brawls, you're better with one-on-ones.

Aizawa: You can't be a pro if you only have one trick.I''m leaving the rest up to you thirteen.

Aizawa then quickly leaps down from the cliff , planting his foot into a random villain's face taking them to the ground leaving Midoriya in awe.

Midoriya:*amazed* Whoa.. Mr Aizawa is actually holding his own against all those villain-

Before he could finish his sentence he was yanked by his collar and dragged to the entrance by Delsin.

Delsin: You can fanboy later we gotta get out of here!

The students tried to make they're way towards the entrance to leave, however before they could leave a mist began to appear revealing a pair of eyes at its center.

Purple mist: I won't let any of you escape. Greetings, it's truly a pleasure to meet all of you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's rather impolite but we've decided to invite ourselves to this haven of heroes.It's quite a fitting place for the Symbol of peace, Allmight to take his last breath. But I am confused wasn't he supposed to be here? There appears to have been a change we didn't account for, well it doesn't matter I have my part to play.

Thirteen was going to use her quirk, but Bakagou, Kirishima and Delsin quickly leapt toward the mist to deliver an attack, surprising everyone.

Thirteen was going to use her quirk, but  Bakagou, Kirishima and Delsin quickly leapt toward the mist to deliver an attack, surprising everyone

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After a massive explosion all three boys quickly lept back from the mist.

Bakugou If you think for a second we're just stand around-

Delsin: Waiting to die as you tear everything down-

Kirishima: Then you're crazy!

Purplemist: My my ,you students truly live up to this school's reputation.But you need to be careful children otherwise someone could get hurt.

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