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(Kayama apartment)

A figure burst through the door and immediately makes a mad dash towards  a specific room... Delsin's room. 

The boy in question was wearing pajamas and about to go to bed before his door flew off it's hinges almost hitting him. The boy leapt off his bed but was immediately caught of guard by doll wearing an orange hoodie. 

Delsin: Uhh.. What the hell? 

Ghost: Nevermind all that, look at this!! *pulling out phone*

Ghost: Nevermind all that, look at this!! *pulling out phone*

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Delsin: Is 

Ghost: Not the point what the hell am I gonna?!

Delsin: *pointing at himself* You're asking me?

Ghost: Well , you are the main character....kinda.*shrugging*

Delsin: *facepalming* Oh my god.

The doll falls to the ground with an aura of despair surrounding him, while Delsin looks down at him with even more confusion but picks up the phone scrolling through it.

Ghost: I wasn't expecting people to actually read it... what am I gonna do Mutter..Mutter...Mutter.

Delsin: It says you haven't uploaded in nearly three months. *Bluntly*

Ghost: Urrrgh!

Delsin: Why not do a Q and A

Ghost: *looking up* Huh?

Delsin: Well it's what most people do when they hit a milestone.

Ghost: I am an idiot!!

Delsin: Yes you are now leave.

Delsin's hand lights up with smoke and aims it at the doll. Ghost takes the hint and immediately dashes out of the room.

Delsin: At least fix my house Jackass!


(A/n: Seriously I was not expecting to reach 1k  but thanks so much for reading this far but yes I really wanna do a Q/A cause feel bad for not giving you guys any new chapters plus I think it would be cool. Anyway if you wanna Ask me or the characters a question just comment under this chapter the answer will be giving in two weeks, ONCE AGAIN THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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