Season 1 chapter 5: Security alert!!

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(Early morning)

The scene opens on U.A as the entrance was absolutely surrounded by reporters Who were rapidly asking questions about the number one hero. Delsin who tried to sneak past the swarm of reporters and make it way towards class was quickly swarmed by them.

Reporter 1: How is it like to have All might as a teacher?

Reporter 2: Do you plan on working with him in the future?

Reporter 3: How are these heroes in person?

Delsin: *struggling to breath* ( Would launching a smoke bomb hurt them)

Delsin's hand began to rapidly glow indicating it was about a lot of smoke bomb before in a matter of moments he was wrapped up in a binding cloth, had his quirk deactivated and pulled towards his teacher.

Aizawa: Never use your clock on the media, regardless of how.... Annoying they get. Now quickly make your way to class. *releasing Delsin*

Delsin: Got it teach.

Delsin quickly ran towards his homeroom.


All of class 1A was sitting and waited with baited breath as their homeroom teacher was At his desk ready to give an announcement

Aizawa: Now let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future.

Everyone:(Is it another Quirk test?!)

Aizawa: You'll be the deciding in the class representative

Everyone: (Oh something actually normal)

Kirishima: Pick me guys I wanna be class rep! *raising his hands*

Kaminari: I'll take it

Jiro:Yeah you're gonna need me.

Aoyama: Someone with style will be bes-

Mina: *cutting him off* I'm totally the right pick!

As all the students try to get themselves picked, Uraraka notices that Delsin was trying to fall asleep.

Uraraka: Hey aren't you gonna join?

Delsin: So long as blasty isn't voted, I'm fine with whoever. *disinterested*

Well everyone was fighting to be picked. Iida suddenly spoke up.

Iida:The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do.You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom.Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically.We will hold an election to choose our leader!

We will hold an election to choose our leader!

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Delsin:(Damn glasses really wants this.)

Kamanari: Is this really the best idea ?

Tsuyu: We've only known each other a few days,how do we know who we can trust?

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