Cousins Beach

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3rd person pov
Delilah voice over
Belly voice over

"Our family's been going to Susannah's beach house in Cousins since i was a baby"

"They were surprised when Laurel showed up with a new baby. Since before Belly and I were born"

"All year long we would count the days until we're in that house.  The dads come to visit but its not their place. They dont belong to it."

"Not the way we do. The mothers and us kids. The summer house is made up of many lots of things. The beach"

"The swimming pools late at night"

"Movie nights with the moms"

"But the boys. The boys most of all. Its the same every summer. I've always loved that about it"

"For us, everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August"

"So, Mels" Delilah began as she looked at the girl

"Yeah, Del?" She asked not looking up from her phone

"Are you packed?" Delilah asked as Melly thought for a second sitting up

"Uh, yeah, duh" Melly said waving her off

"Belly, Delilah, Melly, we're leaving in the next ten minutes!" Laurel called as the two girls smiled at one another

"You're so driving us also" Melly said as Delilah rolled her eyes

"Well, duh. Dont need you "accidentally" hitting a curb again"

"Uh, it was in my way" Melly shrugged laughing they both turned seeing Taylor coming into Delilah's room

"I have to go, but ill see you guys when u come back" Taylor smiling leaning against the door

"We'll miss you" The two girls said at the same time going over and hugging her

"I love this drive, this moment. Its like coming home after you've been gone a long, long time"

"Be safe you two." Laurel smiled hugging her daughter

"We will, mom" Delilah smiled breaking the hug

"You better be close every time i look behind us" She called getting into the car with Steven and Belly

"Dont even worry, Laur! Ill make sure we get there in one piece!" Melly teased from inside the car as Laurel shook her head

"Mom, ignore her. We will be fine, if anything id be more worried about Steve driving you" Delilah shrugged getting into her car as Steven yelled at her

"I told you to stop calling me that, del!" he yelled as Laurel smiled getting into the car

"Have fun with Belly and her screaming!" Delilah laughed backing out of the drive way

"Snacks!" Melly yelled getting out of the car before she  could even park it

"Mel, you dumb ass" Delilah called parking the car and getting out as we followed Belly and her mom inside

Belly smiled doing what she always does grabbing candy and going to the Cheetos, as she opens them and eats some

Melly and Delilah smiled at her going over and looking at the drinks

"Hey" The worked called looking at Belly, as she looked at him before looking away

"Boys at school never look at me. Taylor, Delilah and Melly are the one's they look at. I guess you could say im just kind of there"

before i close my eyes •Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now