[Chapter Three]

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TW: Acts of Cannibalism

You shook your head, trying to shake off the want to eat the lifeless robber. But yet... your stomach growled again. It wanted to taste it... it wanted to feel the, somewhat, sickening feeling of blood and chunks of flesh sliding down your throat.

Denying the bodily want of flesh, you turned away. But the fresh... warm smell of iron filled your nostrils. Your mouth watering up was something you didn't want.

Refusing was getting harder to do. You couldn't ignore the temptation! But you can't do this! It's inhumane! Sickly! Hell, you'd be like a beast... an animal if you even took a small bite!

Although... no one would notice.. no one would care. He's already dead...

The temptation was too much. So, with a sigh, you bent down, taking in this, possibly, only opportunity to indulge in your sudden, most random, darkest desires. You lifted the corpses arm to your mouth with such hesitance, you shook and nearly dropped the arm, and then you...... bit down. The blood dripped down from the bite in the arm, down your chin, and onto the floor slowly, as you tore skin from muscle with your teeth chewing through and your hands pulling the arm away, causing an oddly satisfying tear in the still warm flesh.

Just the sound of it, the sound of the tearing, was something that you'll never forget, a memory that would last for, maybe, forever in your mind. The taste... oh, the taste is something you will always remember. And so, you endulged yourself in every little inch of their body tasting, chewing, ripping, crunching like a mad beast. Bitten off chunks of flesh scattered all over the body, the clothes were bitten through, showing the exact bites.

This was the moment that, for once, the phrase, "you are what you eat," rang true. Though whether what you were doing could be considered human or inhumane is entirely irrelative. You, surprisingly, didn't feel like a monster, nor a horrid beast... no, all you felt was the delicious satisfaction that this... delightful fullness that the... disagreeable act of cannibalism brought to you.

As you chewed, you remembered something. If you were serious about taking that job offer in the daycare, how could you even succumb to the cannibalistic urges!? You couldn't work with those kids! You'd be getting hungry, and this urge won't leave. You know it won't...

Thinking about the job and what you've just done made you snap into reality and take full notice of the half-eaten arm. You sighed but still felt the warm liquid upon your lips, tasting the iron sensation as you licked it off.

Because the smell was so strong, you'd need to shower... and maybe bleach your clothes. The only other issue is... how does one clean blood from hard wood flooring? Let alone in a few hours...?

This blood.. this lifeless body... it all had to be cleaned up before you go bring Briar home. You figured the first step of action would be to clean up what was left of the body...

Oh boy... this will be a process for sure.


So, my girlfriend wrote the part about eating the body, I did adjust the wording a bit, though.

This chapter was a bit short, I apologize, but I didn't want to take away the fact that, yes, the reader is a cannibal now. Did you not read the tags?

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

589 Words

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