[Chapter Twenty-Three]

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TW: Nightmare (Blood, 'Vomit', Violence)

You spat out the toothpaste, the spit coming out as a bright fresh red. You groaned under your breath. This was the third time you brushed your teeth, and there was still more and more blood! This was getting frustrating for you.

With a sigh, you applied more toothpaste to the brush. You then went back and brushed your teeth, for the fourth fucking time. You smiled softly as there wasn't too much blood in this batch of saliva. There was some still there, but it would be washed away with some water, or even some mouthwash.

Pouring mouthwash into the lid, you then put it into your mouth, swishing it around, gurgling it too, before spitting it out. The wash was coming out as it should, with a little discoloration. You shrugged your shoulders, figuring it would be fine.

Suddenly, the door opened, and in came the one and only Vanessa. She wasn't wearing her Vanny suit and seemed on alert of sorts. "Y/N, Sorry for entering the staff bathroom without asking, but Gregory got away. I've already alerted the animatronics to look out for him, and they've activated their.... danger protocols." She said with a subtle tone of worry.

"So, stay in the daycare?" You asked as you put away the toothpaste, mouthwash, and toothbrush. The brush going into your bag, the other two going on the shelf. "And if he shows up, I can handle him?"

She nodded at you, just barely being seen in your perifials. "Exactly, I've told the others to turn him into me or you, of course, if I get him, I'll give him to you.. and if you get him, just report it to me, and you can have the snack.."

"Got it, sweetie." You joked softly. It wasn't supposed to mean anything, but you could've sworn her face went briefly pink. That's fucking weird...

You internally shook your head, before moving out of the bathroom. As you moved, you kept your eyes out for the damn brat. As you moved, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary except for the animatronics walking around and... twitching.

You shrugged it off, saying it's just the protocol and program they've been set into. However, Freddy was the only one not there... They were saying pretty normal things, a typical safety protocol of repeating the same things without consciousness of it.

The steps you made were quick and, truth be told, let you get to the daycare easier. There wasn't anyone there for you to worry about. No adults, no lousy teens, and, except for your daughter and Gregory, no disgusting children who put their boogers on everything they touch.

You entered the daycare, moving toward the slide, pushing yourself down and sliding down the colorful tube, straight into the ballpit below. The colors splashing around as you, in technicality, waddled through the pit.

Suddenly, two strong, metallic hands lifted you up by your arm pits. A soft gasp left your lips as you were placed outside of the pit. Never once had you experienced that.. and you must admit, you liked it until the surprise pick-up occurred.

With a turn of your head, you saw Sun giggling happily, his head halfway submerged in the colorful plastic balls. "Hi, Y/N! I'm glad you're back!"

"I wasn't gone for that long... was I..?" you asked, nervously scratching your neck. You then looked around, looking for something, someone.. Briar.

Sundrop stood up, moving rather quickly out of the ballpit. "Well... longer than I would've liked.... eh.. maybe 10 or so minutes?" He sounded a little confused for what the time you had been gone for would be. Which is odd, considering he basically had an internal clock to keep track.

"Where's Briar, Sunny?" You asked with a head tilt as you looked at him. A small smile was written upon your face, a fake one.. one that was hiding things.

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