[Chapter Fifteen]

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TW: Violence

You and Vanessa walked into the daycare to see Sundrop, tossing Briar up and down in the air. While she laughed and smiled, soft tear marks sadly stained her cheeks. Sun held her under her arms and twirled while still tossing her into the air slightly. 

Vanessa gave you a look of sorts and just leaned over to you, whispering, "Didn't you just say he tried to kill you?"

"He did.... but Briar is a child, so he wouldn't hurt her.." You whispered back. "Or rather... shouldn't hurt her.."

She moved her head away, nodding slowly before clearing her throat, catching the attention of both the animatronic and the young female child. Their heads turned to face the both of you, and nearly immediately, Briar jumped from Sundrop's arms and ran toward you, hugging you.

Sun's face made a soft clicking sound as his facial expression changed from happy to nearly an expressionless anger. "Why, hello, Ms Vanessa, and Mx Y/N." As he said your name, it sounded as though he had spoken in a growl, a tone familiar to Moon's voice. "What is it you both need, hm?"

"Listen, Sundrop, Y/N has informed me of an... incident," Vanessa began to explain, waving her hand around for a moment. "And, you've already been on warning."

Almost immediately, his rays retracted inward, and he took a step back despite the distance already. His hands went toward the other, and he began to fumble his fingers. His voice stuttered, trying to make any form of excuse. When he couldn't, the security guard stepped forward, going closer and closer to Sun. 

His eyes widened as the quickness of the blonde guard. His eyes quickly glanced around the room, trying to find a way out. He would use the wire, but it takes far too long, and he can't use it too well. He could climb the play-structures, but she could follow easily. Hiding isn't possible. He could run, but Vanessa could easily instruct the others to get him, and they were much quicker than he was, especially Montgomery. 

But he wasn't going to be taken. He wasn't going to be decommissioned. 

"Don't bother trying to get out," Vanessa said, grabbing her belt, holding a button. A familiar button that controlled those damn bots. "I won't get you decommissioned if you just stay put." She spoke slowly and calmly, trying to put some sense of ease in the air. 

Sundrop's eyes flashed a quick red. He just grew more panicked before he had an idea. 'Moon, how would you feel about killing the adults, but not Briar?' His face plate grew a smirk, confusing the human adults.

'Oh, Sunny, I've been waiting till you gave me this permission. Let me out.' Moon chuckled internally. 

In a quick move, knowing just the best way to go. Sun did a little skip and bounce, hopping up onto the side of a play-structure, swinging quickly to go over Vanessa. He landed on the ground, doing a little cartwheel, before standing next to the light switch. 

You and Vanessa knew what was going to happen, and instead of trying to prevent it, the blonde looked at you and just ran. Right as the lights fully went off, you were holding Briar to your chest as you and your partner in crime ran, trying to get to a light that Moon can't be in. However, he was quick. That wire that spread throughout the building was not helpful. 

His chuckle was haunting. It echoed against the walls, bouncing back into your ears. You began to pant heavily, along with Vanessa. There wasn't a spot of light to stay in, nor a place to hide. The Pizza-plex went into the nighttime protocols, the lights turning off at the end of the hour, and upsettingly, it was the end of the hour. Your breathing grew more and more unstable. You couldn't run for the same time as Vanessa due to carrying a child. 

However, you dropped Briar, her little body landing and rolling a little away from you. You had tripped, something you feared might happen. You landed on the floor with a hiss leaving your teeth, but there wasn't time to recover at all. The jingling of the bells that were on the ribbons and end of the hat that belonged to Moon were right above you. You panicked and tried to clamber away, failing once Moon grabbed onto you. His sharp nails dig into your sides, cutting your vest, shirt, and skin with ease. 

You didn't scream. There was no need to. It hurt, yes, but not scream worthy. But Moon didn't want a mere gasp. He wanted the scream of agony that so many intruders and children have given him. 

His hands tightened on your sides, digging further into you. Blood is beginning to trickle out of your sides. Though, he stopped. His hands let go of your sides, bringing his hand to his mouth. His eyes glowed for a moment before he opened his mouth, licking the blood off his fingers. And... he found himself understanding why you would be a cannibal. Blood is so.. sweet. Bitter, yet sweet.... and addicting. 

Moondrop stood up, staring at you on the floor before glancing up toward Vanessa, who was holding Briar in her arms as if she were a fragile, abused puppy... kinda. 

In his blank state, you crawled forward, standing up, placing your hands on the opposite sides. You began to move forward, but you were suddenly grabbed again. A gasp escaped your throat as Moon's hands gripped into your skin. He seemed to just be.. out of it. So, in a quick moment of panic, Vanessa tried to find some sort of light switch before Moondrop decided to kill you. She placed the briar down on the floor. A heavy mistake.

Moon, taking notice of the lone child, let go of you. His mouth formed a grin, his sharp teeth on full view. His eye glows brightly. He took steps closer to the girl, but she was too shocked in fear to move. Her eyes could only widen with every step until they couldn't anymore. 

You couldn't take the imagery of your daughter dying, so you just reached forward, grabbing his legs. Somehow, you were strong enough to make him stop moving, he tried to step forward only to trip and fall, landing directly on the ground, a crack being heard from his face-plate and chest, as they were the main parts he landed directly on. 

Just then, the lights turned on, Vanessa running back in to pick up Briar. She held the smaller blonde in her arms, cradling her. You slowly stood up, panting and hissing in pain quietly through your teeth. It wasn't the initial wound that made it hurt. It was more so the movement and deepness of the cuts. 

Sun now lay unresponsive upon the floor. His rays twitching being the only sign of him being online and aware. You turned to look at Vanessa, who was gently stroking her fingers through Briar's soft hair. "So... what do we do now..?"

"Up to you, Y/N," Vanessa said as she continued to help the child go to sleep. "You are, technically, their 'caretaker', so you get to choose if they live or get... decommissioned."

Almost immediately, Sun sat up and looked right at you. His eyes filled with fear. His rays retracted almost completely into his head, trying to seem innocent. His didn't speak, but he was pleading heavily. 

You looked at him, his nose busted inward of his face, slightly broken inward with cracks spreading outward from the center. His chest had a big indent, cracks surrounding a spot that looks to be nearly broken. The wires should be fine, along with the ability to transition, but that was already a given fact since Moon had changed into Sun. 

With a gentle sigh, you looked at Vanessa, "Let him live, and don't tell this to upper management. After all, you can handle the cameras, can't you?"

"Yeah, I can fix that. But, I don't know how many times I can get away with 'cover-ups' toward those two," the guard mumbled under her breath. Briar heard her and got confused and curious as to how many incidents have Sun and/or Moon gotten into?

Sun's face lit up happily. His slightly cracked teeth formed a smile as he stood up and soon embraced you in a hug, prior to the previous events of him nearly killing you. In a nervous sense, you patted his back before saying, "Let's fix you up for tomorrow, okay?"


So! Uhm... long chapter again, hope that's okay. And.. (even though I would've made a decision for this) how would you feel about a little.. troublemaker causing a fire? Or maybe... Y/N will do something to that troublemaker.... who knows.

Anyways! Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1503 Words

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