[Chapter Twenty-Two]

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TW: Cannibalism, Ingesting of Organs, Murder, Blood descriptions

When you went to 'save' Vanny, you had left Gregory with one free arm. While breathing heavily, he reached to his other arm, fumbling with the rope, trying to remove it. He knew he had a very short amount of time before you or Vanny returned to kill him for good.

Slowly, the rope loosened, making him slightly wince as it had dug into his skin. Rope burn, with slight bleeding, was probably something less worrying than a hole in your stomach.

His eyes fluttered, struggling to maintain consciousness. Gregory could taste a brief hint of iron on his tongue. He hated it.

Soon, with his arms free, he clutched his stomach tightly. He needed to find something to, at least for a moment, stop the bleeding. Luckily for him, there was a shirt on the ground. He just needed to get to it..

The boy winced as he leaned forward. His hands tried to untie the ropes that bound his legs to his thighs from around the seat. He knew he had a whole other set of ropes to get through if he wanted to make a proper escape.

His hands were shaking tremendously, and he was horribly struggling to undo the ropes because of that. He tried not to make any noise that was too loud, in fear that you or Vanny would, well, kill him.

Once his legs moved forward, feeling numb and tingly as fuck, he had to lean down to get the stupid ropes around his legs removed.

His hands only shook more and more as the time passed. Surely you'd be back. Surely he was going to die. But, he removed the ropes, the last of them, threw them all on the seat and then grabbed the shirt. Sadly it was a white one, so it would be ruined, unless someone is fully willing to bleach the motherfucker.

He grabbed the shirt and, as best he could, tied it around his body. He made sure to tie it to the wound, making sure he held it, applying the pressure people say to apply. He leaned out of the doorway, seeing you stand over your twin. The knife you used on Gregory still had his blood on it.

"I'll give you a 5 second head-start," your grin widened at her, your grip on the knife tightening further. Your eyes had no red hue to them, this was your conscious choice.

Victoria got up with a stagger, her head already woozy from the rolling and brief fighting. She, and unknowingly Gregory, got ready to run. They didn't know when to start, and they just hoped the timer hadn't already begun.

But after five seconds, nothing happened. Ten more seconds? Still nothing. A whole minute passed, and that's when they heard it:

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting, and we hope you enjoyed the show! Freddy and the gang are pretty tired, but they'll be back again tomorrow! Please make your way to the front of the building where you will be given novelty glasses, a voucher for one free soda refill, and where you will sign a legal disclaimer releasing us of all liability for anything that might have happened during your visit. Have an awesome night, and we'll see you again soon."

The intercom system said the Pizzaplex was closed. That's what you were waiting on. And the moment he finished speaking, you said one thing, "Run."

Immediately, Victoria ran, as did Gregory. Gregory knew he wasn't being chased just yet. He had a chance to get away, not get out to leave, but at least live further on.

Victoria, on the other hand, her life, left to live, that is, was short. She had no way of escape, now that the Plex was closed for the day. No one left to run to... but! Oh, that nightguard! Maybe she could– no, she knew that she would be trespassing and could get into trouble if she ran into the guard, so she had to stay clear of her.

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