[Chapter Thirteen]

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The table was just covered in different, failed and sad attempts, paperpals. Ones of Chica, Freddy, Roxy, Monty, hell, you had even tried to make one of Sun and Moon... all you had made looked like a child glued random paper shapes together and called it a dog.. despite the shape being that of a deformed, drunk cloud. Sun's were perfect, though! His art, childish... his paper pals? FUCKING MASTERPIECE!

You let out an annoyed groan and leaned backward, basically falling onto the floor. Sundrop looked at you, his head tilting softly. "Y/N, are you alright?" 

"Yeah.. just.. bored. And tired," you said while folding your arms over your chest. 

Suddenly, you saw a shadow peer over you. The shadow was small, soft curls adorning the top of the head. "Mama/Papa..?" she lightly kicked your arm with her foot. 

You pushed yourself up, sitting still. Your head turned to her, "Yes, hun?" Although.. she didn't give an answer, so you just used your arms to lift yourself off the floor, doing a small jump/skip to stabilize yourself when you fully stood upright. You crouched slightly, getting to eye level with your daughter. "Is there something wrong..?"

"Why did..." she paused taking in a deep breath. Her eyes closed before she stared straight into yours when she reopened her eyes. "Why did the moon say you were a cannibal?"

With a small laugh, you glanced your gaze away from your daughter. "Where did you hear that...?"

"When you met him, he called you a cannibal, you said something different, so he said you lied..."  she nervously fumbled with her fingers, making you now noticed she wasn't holding her favorite toy. "Those readers do-"

Almost immediately, you jumped in, cutting her off. "Where's Mr Teddy?" Your head tilted, hoping your attempt to distract the child would work. However it didn't. Her arms crossed over her chest as she pouted, waiting for your answer. "I don't know why it reads me as a cannibal, dear," almost unnoticeably your voice became stern, you were beginning to think, Briar was catching on to your... guilty pleasure. If she caught on... you didn't want to, but.. you might have to do the unthinkable. You'd cannibalize your child if she became too aware.


"What do you mean, Moon?" Sun asked his counterpart from their shared mind. "We can't just... we can't follow them when they go with Vanessa!"

Moon internally scoffed, his arms crossing over his chest. 'Sun, I don't care what you say, I am going to follow them next time, because I have a suspicion they aren't just "talking", I feel Vann- Vanessa is letting them cannibalize people!'

"Moondrop! We can't just assume they've actually cannibalized someone! Our scanners could've... lied," the yellow sun animatronic was panicking, grabbing at his rays that tried to retract. His head shook back and forth, he refused to believe a human could be so.... sick and evil.

The counterpart sighed.  'Our scanners have never lied, Sun. And, I don't know about you, but my scanners read Y/N as a very high danger.' Internally, his eyes rolled.

"Mine do... too..." Sundrop muttered as he began to let go of his ray. Only to grow a sudden anger, a saddened anger. He just figured his scanners lied. He couldn't believe someone that seemed so kind and nice could do this. Maybe Y/N was forced! Yeah! They must be forced...

No. They weren't. Sun knew this. Moon knew this. His hands, in an upset anger, his hands gripped his rays and unknowingly tugged them. Beginning to nearly pull them out of their socket. Soft oil-filled tears rolled down his face, he wasn't sure why though. He didn't know them, but for a little while. Sun... trusted them. But why..?

'Quit crying. They aren't worth those tears,' the moon themed animatronic said, patting the other's back through the mindscape they shared. 'However... once Briar is in bed, and Y/N's back from the bathroom... I can kill th-'

"NO! We can't have another death here, you know they'll decommission us!" Sun yelled as he let go of his rays, most of which were now bent, out of place, and nearly off his head, meaning they can't transform completely if the lights go off. 


You walked back into the daycare, Briar in your arms. She was cuddled into you, smiling because of the comforting embrace. Oh how your mind was aching for you to just kill and eat her alive. How easy it would be... Make it seem like she ran off, trying to explore, only to never be found because you would've eaten all of her, minus most bones. That would be the only hard factor to hide. 

But, you shook your head, suddenly hearing a voice in your head. 'Y/N, do it.' Only after the words did you shake your head again, refusing this... urge. 

The wooden doors opened as you stepped onto the soft plush mats below your feet. You walked to the desk, placing Briar in the chair for just a moment. You then looked up and your jaw nearly dropped.

"Sun? What the fu- fudge.... did you do to your rays?" You asked with concern, not knowing the conversation the two-in-one combo animatronic had moments before. The steps you made were quick as you approached him. Your hands grabbed the sides of his face, looking at the ruined rays. 

Sundrop nearly physically shrunk back, pushing your hands off his face. He had a look of distrust and anger. A subtle anger that he thought couldn't be seen, but you see it. "I... I was arguing with Moon.. and got upset."

"Well, don't push my hands off, I'm going to fix these, okay?" Your head tilted to the side, you seemed so innocent, and nearly pure with that look. But deep down, you weren't and it was beginning to become clear you weren't as clean and innocent as it seemed. 


So, the boys are catching on.. more than before. But that shouldn't stop this.... story from continuing.. right?

Also, let's just say.. there was plenty of complaining and struggles with fixing Sun's rays.

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1051 Words

[What An Odd Taste] [Sun/Moon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now