[Chapter Twelve]

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"Su-" You began, only to be cut off by hearing a soft voice. They were singing? Humming? Whatever... they were doing something musical with their voice.

You peered into the main play area, seeing Sun standing while cradling the small, curly blonde child. He was humming a song. It's weird to see Sun, the energetic one, be calm and humming.

He had his eyes closed as he smiled. It looked like he hadn't done something like this in ages... but this was Moon's job? Helping the kids sleep...

Sundrop turned around, opening his eyes to look at you. His humming stopped as he slowly walked over to you. "Y/N," he began, "she got upset because you were gone for half an hour... so I helped her calm down and sleep.."

"I didn't know you could sing, Sunny," you joked lightly.

His head tilted as he softly chuckled. "I can't.. I can hum, but not sing, that's a... a Moon thing."

"I don't feel like heading home at the moment, so... maybe.. me and Briar can hav-"

"A sleepover?" He sounded excited. Quiet, yet excited. When you nodded, he happily cheered. In his arms was Briar, who was sleeping still, so he decided to find a safe, comfy place to put her. And, under the bridge wasn't the best, so he figured by the security desk would be fine.

Once she was placed gently under the desk, onto a sturdy shelf, Sun stood up and, quietly, clapped his hands.

"Oh! Oh! What to do first!?" He exclaimed as he twirled in circles. He skipped around the daycare, finding many art craft supplies.

Construction paper, normal paper, boring glue, glitter glue, glitter, googly eyes, scissors, shape tracer things, pencils, markers, crayons, colored pencils, paint, paint brushes, water for the paints, and a cloth. You chuckled at his childish actions. In fact, that chuckle was more than that. Your face had also formed a small pink tint to it.

"So?" He asked as he halted his skipping, right in front of your face. He almost immediately noticed the red coloring and grabbed the side of your head to look further, "Mx Y/N, are you sick?! You're so red!"

You blinked and backed away from his closeness, "Huh-? Oh, no, I'm not sick.." You laughed nervously, looking to the side. Whenever you looked forward again, you answered the question he'd been waiting on the answer for. "Let's... let's draw our favorite people."

"Oo! Fantastic idea, Sunshine!" Sun clapped his hands together like a giddy child. He did a small twirl and skipped right on over to the art table.

You chuckled and walked over to him. He grabbed three pieces of paper, one for me and two for... him? Wait.. no?

Sun's left hand turned into the blue and slight white of Moon's hand. One of his eyes changed to a baby blue, like Moon's eye during Naptime.

It was odd seeing the hands work in complete different ways. The eyes weren't facing the same way, so that was weird. You looked down at your paper and knew just what to draw. Turning your paper to be landscape instead of portrait, you began to draw.

You drew a brief sketch of two identical figures and one small one. Then, you began to thoroughly draw. One figure had rays sticking out of the head and puffy striped pants. The other identical figure was drawn with a hat, a little bell on the end of it, and starred pants.

Meanwhile, the small little one had your daughter's hair length. The curls that you drew weren't too good... curls were hard, okay?!

"Sunshine! We've finished!" Sun smiled as happily as usual, as his head tilted to the side just slightly. He tried to glance at your paper, but you had your arm there to block his sights.

You had softly chuckled, "I'm nearly done, Sunny. Just a little bit more."

His face formed into a pout, but he continued to watch you draw, trying to take just a peek. Still failing at that despite how good he was at peeking around things.

All you were doing now was just finishing the colors on their clothing. Once done, you looked at the impatiently waiting Sundrop. "I'm done drawing."

"Oo!" He clapped his hands together, and he was just happy. His hands grabbed his paper, and he showed you. The people on the paper were him, you, Moon, and, somehow, Briar. It made you wonder how he fit so many on his page, and it made you smile he was his own favorite person... something you just didn't relate to.

He then placed his down, grabbing Moon's instead. And, him too, had you, Sun, and himself.. no Briar, though. Not surprisingly, though, he did attack her.

Sun and Moon looked at your paper as you showed them. The head tilted with a soft click. He hummed softly. "You don't favor yourself?"

"Not really..." it bothered you how they only noticed you weren't there. It wasn't too big of a deal. You weren't on a paper you drew that regarded your favorite people, so what?

His faceplate changed to that of a frown. He wanted to ask or say something but refrained. Sun just turned his head away before changing the, unspoken, subject. "Oh! How about.... Paperpals! After all, they'll be your friend forever. And ever... and ever....." he shook his head before reaching under the table, grabbing stuck together paper plates.

Sundrop stood up, ran off somewhere, and soon returned with the materials to make plenty types of paper pals! It did concern you about what he said, regarding the paperpals... were these little paper buddies... his only friend for some amount of time? That's upsetting... and concerning..


So, I ran out of ideas for this chapter, and so.... yeah...

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

986 Words

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