🎭Cнαρтєя 5🎭

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Zander groaned as he tossed and turned in bed, he couldn't sleep. He hugged his stomach, which was making him writhe in pain. Sir meowington hopelessly meowed as he looked out the trailer window.

Zander knew who he was waiting for.

Dagger, he was wating for dagger. Or well... Chelsey.

She was the oldest of the group of 19-24 year olds, while Zander was the youngest. Everyone in that age group, saw eachother as family, like siblings, and didn't care to speak to anyone outside the age  group.

Dagger, of course, was a knife artist. She would pull crazy stunts on stage with her daggers. Sometimes they'd be paired up, and he'd just have to put severe trust in Chelsey and pray to god he didn't get stabbed through his skull.

She was a tall woman. Black hair, red highlights. Often wearing revealing clothes, but the ringmaster insisted everyone to wear such clothes, to build a fanbase and any kind of attention. She was very pretty.

As if on cue, Zander heard a knock at the door

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As if on cue, Zander heard a knock at the door. He just stayed still.

Sir meowington walked over and jumped up at the door, he kept jumping until eventually his paw caught the door and opened it.

Chelsey peeked through the door and frowned upon seeing Zander.

"Hey.. You feeling ok?" Chelsey asked as she walked over and sat down on the edge of Zanders bed, gently resting her hand on Zanders upper thigh.

"I'll be fine..."

"Zander.. it's almost 11PM... you haven't ate since last night.."

"Ringmaster advised me not too.." he spoke tiredly as he nuzzled into his mattress.

"Who cares what that dick has to say, Zander please-! Our group, our siblings, we just need you to agree and then we can all get out of here-!"

"Why do you guys hate Ringmaster so much..?"

Chelsey sighed. "I'm not having this conversation again. Here, I snuck you some food from dinner." She smiled as she handed him a tub.

But he refused.

"Come on-! Just take it!"

"No, ringmaster told me not too."

"Ring Master ISNT here, is he!?"

Zander sighed. "You know the rules, and so do I"

Chelsey frowned. "Zander... You can't keep following his rules.. at the end of the day he's not doing it for you.. for gods sake-! He couldn't even spend £100 of his hundreds of thousands of pounds to get you good quality steel ropes! He got the EIGHT year olds to tie it to the swing!"

"He was just busy! It's fine, it wouldn't of snapped anyways if I had lost a few pounds."

She gawked.

"Look at you Zander! Look at yourself! You don't need to loose a few pounds! You, are not fat. I don't know why you think you are. No, I do know why you think you are, and it's because of him. You, are not fat. Dare I say you're the opposite. You're weight is becoming dangerous Zander. As your best fri-..As your eldest sister, I will not let you continue to do this to yourself-!" 

Sir meowington climbed on her shoulder, and stomped his foot down, seconding her point.

"The ringmaster is ALWAYS right. I'm sure one day you guys will ALL see it for yourselves."

"Zander-! We dont have to see anything! It's all you! You're holding us back from a better life!"

Zander stared for a second before he shot up in bed.

"The fuck do you mean-!? I'm not holding anyone back!"

"You're too stubborn! You refuse to accept that he's a shitty person-! We need to leave! But we're not leaving you Zander- so just hurry up and come to your fucking senses-!"

"If it means that much to you, then leave! I'm not going anywhere! I love him! He's like the parental figure I never had! So take our age group, take our siblings and fucking go! Because if I'm 'holding you back' then you'll be waiting here your whole fucking life!"

Chelsey opened her mouth to argue back, but didn't want to escalate things. So she sighed in defeat.

"..You're cranky right now.. aren't you..?" She smiled weakly as she reached forward and took his top hat off. "I would be too.. hunger pains.. coping with the fact you almost died today... now your sister is arguing with you.. I get it.. you don't need that stress right now, do you..?" She spoke softly as she caressed his cheek.

His angry face, slowly morphed into a softer one, as his eyes downcast and he frowned.

"Just please eat the food I got.."

Zander shook his head, but then his eyes lit up.


Chelsey, a bit shocked from the sudden out burst stayed quiet.




"Oh-! Yes! Thank god for him.." she smiled.


.. Chelsey slowly reached for her belt, containing her daggers.


"...Goodnight Zander. Sweet dreams. I'll leave this here, ok?" She left the food on the shelf.

"Mmmm if he finds it you're taking the blame."

She chuckled.

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

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