🎭Cнαρтєя 7🎭

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"Luke! There you are man-! Glad to see you alive!" Sean grinned as he saw Luke approach their front row seats.

"That is one hell of a scary woman." Luke groaned. Causing the 3 of his roommates to laugh.

"What did she even want?" Hailey questioned. "I don't know.. some rant about how she doesn't trust me despite the fact I saved her 'little brothers life' ...and some other stuff." He rolled his eyes. "Oh-! Interestingggggg... very intriguing..." Millie pondered, stroking her imaginary beard.

All of a sudden, the ringmaster made his way to the stage, and started with an over energetic speech. Luke couldn't help but roll his eyes. Knowing what he did now, he couldn't look at him the same if he tried, and if he's honest, he felt a bit sick even watching the show considering all the cast were trafficked.

Chelsey was the first act. She came out doing flips and spins, joined by her performance partner who came on a unicycle. Luke watched in awe as she flawlessly threw her daggers through the air, hitting all the apples balanced on-top of the unicycle riders head, even as he was circling around her.

She seemed quite passionate about dagger throwing despite it being something that Luke had to presume was forced on her, but atleast she enjoyed it.

Luke perked up as he made eye contact with her. She grinned at him, her bold red lipstick could be seen from miles away as she threw a dagger at Luke.

...or pretended to. As soon as Luke flinched, she retracted the dagger and could be seen actively giggling to herself, no one else seemed to notice, he just rolled his eyes, subtly flipping her off, though oddly enough, despite their arguments, he didn't feel any malice toward the girl.

Eventually, she ran forward and jumped on the unicycle riders shoulders, she proceeded to bow to the audience, before doing a flip off onto the floor again, and running off to the side of the stage, officiating the end of her act.

The rest of the acts went in a blur, he didn't care too much for them. Infact he spaced out, until millie was rapidly nudging his arm, hurting him as she was digging her elbows into his sore and broken arm.

"Owwww! Millieeee!" He whined. "Luke! Luke! Look!...Luke..? Look...? Haha Luke look. ANYWAYS! LUKE! LOOK! ITS YOUR LOVERBOYYYYYYYYYYYY!" She grinned, pointing to the ceiling where indeed, Zander was on the rope swing again.

Luke blushed wildly at her comment and shoved her. "Hey-! He's not my 'loverboy'! Would you stop it with that!?" He sighed and shook his head, causing the two girls, Hailey and Millie, to giggle amongst each other.

Luke looked up, and watched in awe, seeing the start of Zanders act, it started slow, with a full subtle movements, but as the tempo of the music increased, so did his speed and agility, as well as the machinery movement of the swing aswell.

He never got too far into the routine last time, but seeing him actually performing properly now, it was captivating.

He sometimes hooked his legs around the rope, taking his feet off the swing and everything, definitely risky as there were no safety precautions or nets. He'd hang upside down, hell, he'd even jump off and quickly grab back onto it-! The whole entire performance was basically him gambling for his life, as the music slowed down to a suspense build, Luke noticed Zander scanning the crowd, until eventually, they made eye contact. Luke felt his breath catch in his throat as he saw Zander smile and wave. He was the one he was looking for? Really? Luke couldn't help but softly smile as he waved back with his good arm.

And at the beat drop, Zander continued what he did best, but somehow? It was even more risky than the first round, even for a trained professional, it certainly couldn't be safe, but Zander was holding up really, really well. He knew his friends would likely be teasing him at that moment, but as he looked around, he noticed his friends too, were in too much awe to even make a jab at him.

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