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As we walked out I felt someone grab my hand and intertwine my hand in there's. I looked up to see Hayes smirking. Cameron laughed and walked over to our limo.
"Ooh classy are we Cameron," I asked.
"Hey my car is to small to fit all of us." He looked like he was hiding something he pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted someone then all the guys pulled out there phone right as he typed in his message. Weird.

As we got to the restaurant it was really fancy and I felt really underdressed.
"This is really fancy I don't think I'm dressed for it."
"El your fine you look amazing."
"Thanks." He grabbed my hand and walked in after all the guys.
I could tell Cam wasn't very happy with Hayes being all lovey dovey but he knew he had to be a good brother and leave it alone. To be completely honest I was afraid that I would get hurt in every relationship I got into and I was always right. I always liked the bad guys and I knew it would be the death of me.

After we sat down we all ordered our food and waited. I was starving so Cameron had them bring out a salad before our food came. I could feel a pair of blue eyes staring at me so I looked next to me and of course Hayes was staring me down. "Hayes!"
He looked like he had seen a ghost so I guess he was spacing out on me...
"Stop staring it's kinda freaky."
"It's fine now let me eat."
When we were done acting we got back in the car and it was just awkward... So I broke the silence. "What do you guys wanna do when we get to my house? We could watch movies or play games."
"MOVIES!!" Everyone yelled. We all decided on watching Grownups again... After we were done I got everyone refills of popcorn. Of course one of the guys suggested that we watch a scary movie and all I did was look down at the floor and remember what happens last time you watched a scary movie.... Nightmares for a month....
"El you okay?"
"Yah I'm perfectly fine," I lied.
"You sure? You are shaking."
"Yah someone just start the movie."
When the first jump scare happened I jumped into Hayes's arms and barried my head into his chest. He rubbed my back and whispered 'your safe I'm right here' and it calmed me down. After the movie we all went to bed since everyone was staying at my house there was nowhere for Hayes to sleep so we had to share a room. He insisted on sleeping on the floor but I made him sleep in my bed with me. Mostly because I was scared out of my mind and I needed an excuse to snuggle with him.... Again.

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