fWhip's wedding favors

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Jana: You'll learn later. Anyway, everyone remember Lizzie and Joel's wedding?

Sausage: How could we forget? It was in my church.

Jana: Yeah well, something sort of similar happened.

Shrub: Oh! Someone married someone else?

Jana: In real life, not in lore.

Katherine: Oh, okay.

Jana: Anyway, Gem, Joel, Scott, Jimmy, Lizzie, and Sausage were attending fWhip's weidding in real life, and fWhip decided to give them all wedding favors.

Gem: Aw, fWhip, look at you being good.

Scott: Something tells me otherwise, Gem.

Jimmy: You probably should stop expecting him to be good.

Shrub: Well she's his twin, of course she expects the best of him.

Jana: Anyway, fWhip made these giant present boxes near the empires of the people who attended his wedding, and put wardens in them, all named 'Thank you for coming to my wedding'.

Gem: fWhip!

Sausage: Ooh, nice one, fWhip.

Gem(Turning on him.): Sausage!

Sasuage(Immediately backing away.): Okay, okay, I'll stop.

Shrub: fWhip, you should be nicer to the people who went out of their way to go to your wedding.

fWhip(Protestingly.): It was just a harmless prank.

Jimmy: You really strain your relationships with everyone, don't you?

Pix: How did everyone react to this?

Jana: Jimmy found this a sign of disrespect and fired fWhip as his deputy, even if fWhip pretended that never happened. This version of Jimmy is very sensitive, especially when he thinks other people don't respect him.

fWhip: Aw, come on, Jimmy, it was just a harmless prank.

Jimmy: Yeah, right.

Jana: And then Joel set Jimmy's warden free.

Jimmy: What?! Joel! That is very dangerous!

Joel: Why exactly did I do that?

Jana: I'm not sure, something about being too close to a nether portal, but anyway, Jimmy asked Katherine and Sausage to help kill it. By the way, at night time Katherine is a monster hunter.

Shrub: Oh. That's unexpected.

Katherine: I'm a fighter?

Jana: Yeah. You were quite a tomboy in secret.

Pix: Why in secret?

Jana: Katherine was worried her parents would find out and be more disappointed in her. I mean, princesses usually don't sneak out at night and slay monsters.

Katherine: Okay...

Jana: Anyway, Lizzie led a whole squadron of dogs to help deal with her warden.

Shrub: Just like me and my wolves!

Jana: Yeah, and not a lot died. Then Gem got Sausage, Joel, and Pix to help with her warden.

Lizzie: Sausage seems to be dealing with the wardens the most.

Jana: Maybe. Then Scott found his warden for some reason loose in Chromia instead of just being in the present cage and killed it single-handedly.

Joey: Really? And everyone else needed help.

Jana: Not everyone else. Joel defeated his warden by himself too.

fWhip: How did Sausage deal with his warden?

Jana: He actually liked it and adopted her, giving her a home in Sanctuary, and naming her Dolores because of the whole warden hearing thing and Sanctuary being slightly inspired by Encanto.

Sausage: Hey, this is just like Bulldozer and Lawnmower!

Jimmy: I remember being disappointed that they didn't do more damage.

Jana: Well, Sausage pivots quickly. And by the way fWhip suddenly realized that he would be on his honeymoon for a couple of weeks and his base would be open for revenge pranks.

Lizzie(Rubbing her hands with glee.): Oh, I can see where this is going. (The screen showed the clip of fWhip worrying over the state of his base and then finding the video where it revealed some of his friends had broken into his office.)

Gem: Well that's a little worrying.

Katherine: And a little bit creepy, honestly.

Pix: I agree.

fWhip: Well don't break into my office ever again, and now I'm worried over the state of Gobland.

Jana: And this is fWhip finding out what happened to Gobland while he was gone.

fWhip: Oh, I can't watch. (The screen showed the clip of fWhip finding out about the chickens running loose.)

Jana: Joel put these redstone things to spawn chickens all over Gobland.

Lizzie: I'm surprised he could hold in his bird murdering instincts long enough for that.

Joel: Lizzie, you underestimate my pranking abilities.

Lizzie: Well I had to keep on pulling at you when you found all the horses I gave to Joey to cause lag.

Joel: That was your prank, not mine.

Joey: And those were too many horses.

Jana: Anyway, I think that event left fWhip traumatized forever about chickens.

Gem: Oh dear.

Jana: fWhip went to visit Lizzie in Animalia, who by the way was his ally, to see about acquiring foxes to help get rid of the chickens. She helpfully lent him three arctic foxes-

Scott: Lizzie, those ones like fish, it's the regular foxes that attack chickens.

Lizzie: I know that, of course, and my future self should too if her export is chicken.

Jana: Well Lizzie was running out of regular foxes. Anyway, the foxes did help a little, but I think two of them either died or went missing, all I remember is that fWhip returned at least one.

Lizzie and Gem: fWhip!

fWhip: What?

Lizzie: Those were my foxes!

Gem: Always return what you borrow, and take care of them while you have them!

fWhip: Well, how am I supposed to take care of foxes while I'm drowning in chickens?!

Jana: Anyway, fWhip had to resort to manual labor and get rid of the chickens and the spawners by himself. By the end of that he had an overabundance of chicken meat.

Lizzie: Something tells me he won't be buying chicken from me for a long time. 

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