Hermes and Oli

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Jana: Yeah, well, anyway, there's a couple things that happened that I accidentally skipped over.

Pix: Really? What?

Jana: Well Joel and Sausage had their son Hermes for one thing-

Joel and Sausage: Wait, what?!

Jana(As a picture of Hermes shows up on screen.): Basically, long story short, Hermes is an armor stand that somehow came to life when Joel's and Sausage's respective magic collided.

Gem: Oh, okay.

Lizzie: So they just adopted him? Cute. Also, Joel, why don't we have kids?

Joel: Erm...

Jana: Let's leave that discussion quickly, but everyone remember the already lit end portal?

Everyone: Yes.

Jana: Anyway, the person who lit the portal also raided the deep dark near fWhip's area, and fWhip didn't like that because he felt it was stealing from Gobland. And then he found the person who did it.

Pix: Who was it?

Jana: This person named Oli. See, he comes from this other minecraft series called Afterlife SMP, and when that was over he decided he wanted to speedrun minecraft, and he did, but after he sifted through the minecraft credits he suddenly woke up in this world and found out there were twelve other people on the server.

Shrub: Well that's complicated.

Pix: Are we going to learn about Afterlife SMP too? That seems like something up your alley, since you handle souls.

Jana: That series gave me a lot of work, so I'm not too keen about talking about it. Anyway, Oli met Gem in her tavern and fWhip overheard him bragging to her about raiding an ancient city and arrested him.

Sausage: What for again?

Jana: Stealing from Gobland. Oli ended up sitting in a cage over the deep dark area of fWhip's megabase for a couple of weeks before Jimmy decided he could be released as long as he paid fWhip a load of diamonds as compensation.

Gem: How exactly was he supposed to get all those diamonds?

Jana: Oli is really into music and he has this lute that is also his elytra cause he flies using the power of music, but basically he became a bard in this life and would earn money by singing for people. Also, Katherine was the one who made his outfit. (The screen showed a picture of Oli the bard.)

Katherine: I was honestly waiting to see what my handicraft looked like.

Jana: Yeah, I figured. Oli also eventually made his own empire of Olipeligo.

Joel: Well that's a very self-absorbed name.

Jana: Not any more than Mythland or Pixandria.

Sausage and Pix: Okay, fine, we admit those are a bit self-absorbed.

Jana: Anyway, these events prompted Oli to try and squeeze out as many diamonds as he possibly could out of any situation. He never actually ended up paying fWhip anything I don't think, but his quest to repay his debt led to him making the rift festival.

A couple of people: The what festival?

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