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Same school, habitual clothes, familiar teachers, regular house and city and same classmates. Except for one.

The boy behind my desk was like no other in this school.

His hair outgrown, his eyebrow and ears pierced. The dark liner over his waterline matched perfectly with his feminine facial features. Thin eyebrows, small nose and foxy eyes contrasted his strong jawline.

His fingers, covered in rings, handled a black pencil that traced lines on a small notepad placed over his notebook.

Chains adorned his black trousers and his neck.

I already know he will get in trouble or be the trouble. Maybe a school year will be interesting, at last.

After enough staring as I waked towards my desk, I take my seat.

"First day and you're already late, miss y/l/n." The creepy teacher had to be my first lesson on Mondays.

I smiled as I retorted. "Don't expect me here much, especially on time."

Not knowing how to answer he proceeds. "New guy, introduce yourself."

"Suna." He spoke low and bluntly but audible.

"Ok, Suna, where do you come from? What brings you here? What hobbies do you enjoy?" The teacher asks.

"I'd like to keep my business private, if that's alright." So polite it felt like sarcasm.

"It's alright." Mr. Creepy said, slightly offended but went on with the class.


"For this next exercise, I want you to parter up with the person behind of you or in front of you, that depends..."

Seeing that the person in front of me got paired with the one in front of them, I turn around to face Suna.

"You will have to read the poem on page 16 and discuss it with your partner, analysing it in terms of language, structure and meaning."

We silently read the poem.

"Ok so 5 stanzas, each with 4 verses, except for the last which has 2." He said once he was done reading.

"No worries with rhymes, but it happens in the 4th stanza and they are external." I completed his list.

"About the meaning, may be something of broken trust." He suggested.

"Sounds more like a disappointment in existence."

"Yeah but the author says that he was told it is worth it and they feel betrayed by all those claims because they still want to die."

"They had some hopes and all but ended up with same emptiness."

"You're right, I think it's more about the disappointment in life." He agreed.

We go quiet and as I'm about to ask him something the teacher came over to us.

"Have you finished?" He asked.

"Yes." We both answered.

"Great, since it's the first lesson you can go but you have to answer the two questions on the next page, together." He said, leaving us.

"Should we do it right now instead of having to meet up? Since we have time." I proposed.

He was already putting his things away but stopped and decided I was right again.

We opted with doing the questions alone and comparing and completing them after.

"What's your name?" He questioned once he was waiting for me to finish my work.


"Pretty." He commented.

"Can I know at least one of the questions the teacher asked you?"

"Sure. You look trustworthy and the answers aren't shocking, I just hate having a whole class hear me talk about myself. It's uncomfortable." He admitted.

"I can imagine." I sympathised. "Why are you here?"

"I had troubles with my other school." He confessed with a smirk.

"Trouble as in you got bullied or expelled?" I smiled slightly.

"My mom already wanted to move and after she got called to see the principal she made the decision final. She knew I was to get expelled. Even without knowing for sure what I did for that outcome, she didn't feel like sitting through an annoying lecture from some prick who thinks he's better than everyone else. Besides, he would accuse her of being a bad mother and not knowing how to keep me in line." He rolled his eyes.

"All that talk and you didn't tell me what you did." I stated in a challenging way.

"A story for another time then." He told me and packed his things once more.

I chuckle. "Alright. See you around."

"See you around." He repeated.


Arts junkie [Suna x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now