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During the week Suna kept showing up to school in a haze.

Like he was never really here. His eyes never focused on anything and when he didn't skip classes he slept throughout them.

It's now Thursday. It's getting concerning to us all. It's the perfect time to try and talk to him since we're in the class we have together.

I turn my chair in 180° to face him. He looks at me with his eyes abnormally open and his pupils dilated.

"Suna, we have to talk."

"Talk away princess, I'm listening." He said.

"I'm serious, we need to have a serious talk, I need you focused. Can you do that right now?" I wanted to make sure.

He adjusts himself on his chair and locks eyes with me. "Yes."

"Good. When was the last time you were sober?" I questioned.

"Before the party." He answered slowly.

"We are worried about you. You've been getting quite lost lately. And you're not just smoking weed, your eyes aren't weed high. You've already lost weight and I am asking you to please stop abusing substances so much. We are here for you, we can help you, no matter what. Of course you make your own decisions, but we can't just sit back and watch as you destroy yourself."

"Princess, I'm fine, really. I'm not an addict." He claimed.

"That's what addicts say. If I asked you to stop doing drugs just until next week, could you do it?"

"If that'll make you feel better, I will stay sober for an entire month." He said holding my hand over the table.

His hands are warm but shaky. "I love you." He assured.

"I love you too. Just make sure to be moderate when it comes to these sort of things."

I am actually afraid of losing him. My grandfather was an alcoholic and I never even met him. I don't want to lose anyone over any substances, especially Suna.

I offer him a sad smile and turn my attention back to the class.


At lunch time Suna wasn't with us.

"Did you get a chance to talk with him?" Kita asked.

"Yes, he said he would stop." I told him.

"I don't know if we can trust the words of an addict." Eli commented.

"You're right. I am pretty sure he is addicted, but he won't admit it."

"We really gotta help him out. Did he not tell you where he was going?" Atsumu asked.

I shake my head no.

"After lunch we should head to his place to check if he's there." Osamu suggested.

We all agreed and then ate, a bit faster than usual due to concern.

His front door was already opened and the keys inserted in the keyhole.

"Suna?" We called out to him.

We only heard the toilet being flushed so we head to the bathroom and wait outside for him.

"Are you okay in there?" Osamu asked.

"Yeah, just a second." His muffled voice sounded through the door.

True to his claim, a couple seconds later the door opens.

He was pale and sweat ran down his forehead as his watery eyes popped over the dark circles.

Arts junkie [Suna x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now