childhood bestfriends

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- ashlee's pov -

everything was wonderful .
nothing could change it . everybody was happy . but then again , it was only middle school . when high school came along , things started to change .

Marina started dating Michael .

Brooke started dating Matty .

I began dating george .

not too long after that , more change occured , but this wasnt good change like when we first started high school . Matty and George started doing drugs , and it wasnt the normal kind of drugs that people our age do .

Marina & Michael were the perfect couple , michael would always do cute things for her like serenade her in the middle of the hallways or the courtyard and their relationship lasted until senior year . While on the other hand the other relationships in the friend group had A LOT of problems so neither of those lasted very long and kind of tore up the group .

my relationship with George ended with alot of yelling and shoving . it scared me . alot . one night in junior year , I confronted George about how he needs to go to rehab and considering how young he was ; I didnt want him to die from overdose or even just ruin his life .
i loved him but im not sure if he loved me .

Brooke and Matty on the other hand ended mutual , Matty was just a player , he was into weed (unless george begged him to do deeper stuff ocasionally) & being drunk all the time unlike George , and Brooke realized that she really didnt need negative people in her life .
this breakup was one of the causes our friend group took a "turn for the worse" because everyone chose sides .

Marina only broke up with Michael because of what went down one night at the end of senior year and i really wish that we never went . if this night never happend , they probably wouldve been married by now .

Adam Hanns birthday party .

this party ruined everything . Mattys band & Michaels band had a horrible "prank" up their sleeves and they were the only ones to see it as a prank .

the boys were going to attack after drugging Brooke & I for how we "broke their hearts" and it didnt really make any sense because Mattys relationship ended on mutal terms while Georges ended on horrible terms , i guess it was all Georges idea , but they needed to get alittle bit of help for it to be sucessful and thats just what they got .

at first Marina was going to have nothing to do with the prank because she wasnt going to Adams party but of course we forced her to go which resulted in a very sick looking Marina trying to have a good time even though she could barely speak & was having sneezing fits every couple of minutes .

the time eventually came for when the boys were going to make their move .

8 very tall boys vs 2 very tiny girls .

we tried our best to get away from them but considering they were so much bigger than us , there was no way to get out of this situation .

we screamed and screamed for help and nobody seemed to hear until Marina came back from the bathroom and saw what was going on . she instantly called the police before she tried to pull the boys off of her bestfriends only to be met with the very familiar eyes of her boyfriend Michael . before she could say anything , the police came and took all of the boys away .

Michael got sentenced 5 years

George got sentenced 5 years

Matty got sentenced 5 years

the rest of the boys only got 1 year .

coincedentaly the 3 boys all got sent to the mental hospital for their behavior , always banging their heads or running into the steel bars yelling about how they wanted revenge . with being commited to the hospital , that led them to 2 more years before they could get their so called "revenge" .

i was just hoping that they would forget about what happend or worry about other things in their life .

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