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-brooke's pov

we all looked towards the door after we heard a firm knock claiming it was the police . ashlee didn't hesitate to whip the door open revealing the opposite of what was expected . i watched as she slightly backed away from the door. michael invited himself and two other men into the room where we were seated , with a handgun . you could tell he was intoxicated , his walk was off and he could barely balance . holding onto a lamp that was near the window in the middle of the living room .

michael's voice slurs as he speaks. "listen up y'all! we are gonna play a little game i like to call russian roulette. if you aren't familiar with the rules I emptied all the bullets out of this gun but one . then , i will go around the room to each person , including myself , and give a speech , the person who gets the bullet losses. so lets start".

michael first points the gun at ashlee , since she's the closest to where he stands.

my heart races , imagining anyone in the room but michael getting shot.

" ashlee , ashlee , ashlee , i knew you were pregnant ... did you really think no one would hear all your yelling!" micheal doesn't even notice george moving closer to ashlee as he continues. "did george ever tell you what happened before you started dating. george didn't even like you , it was all a bet . matty dared him to ask you out and he knew you liked george , so you would say yes ."

matty interrupted " WE WERE LIKE 13 CMON, I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD LA-"

" IT'S NOT YOUR TURN!, anyways back to my story ... if george really loved you why did he turn to drugs to feel something! you were never enough for him! that's why you always argued over some dumb thing all the time!"

he holds the gun out with his finger on the trigger, looks ashlee dead in the eyes, and pulls the trigger. disappointed when nothing comes out. he turns to matty with an smug look .

" since you can't keep your mouth shut, it's your turn. i've always hated you. you stole my girl , but not only did you steal her from me ; you treated her like she was nothing . you drugged her all the time without her consent . you weren't even loyal to her but that doesn't matter because you guys had this weird 'open' relationship . i never understood it . so i guess i may actually get what i want ; your death ."

michael puts his finger on the trigger and pulls it . matty is safe .

with a look of disappointment , michael turns to george . "well george , i always considered you my friend so since you are my friend , i'm going to help you out a little . your girlfriend , and your best friend matty over there ; weren't exactly honest with you about what happened during your little 'break' in the relationship. ashlee basically cheated on you with matty , she was desperate for a real man . one that didn't always start fights with her and wasn't high off acid all the time . maybe the baby wasn't even yours ? but i guess we will never know now . i also know about your eating disorder which was one of the reasons you did drugs but not the main one . the main one was ashlee "

michael was sure the gun would fire this time , but again he was disappointed .

i was the last one . he turned to me and spoke . "i never liked marina you know . but sense you and matty liked each other , and ashlee liked george ; i settled for marina . she was the worst girlfriend ever but i still had to act like i didn't hate her . i hated the way matty treated you , drugging you and using you , then leaving you but eventually comes back . i would've never done that to you . i really hope that i don't shoot you , because then i would have to shoot myself ."

michael was very hesitant about shooting me , he took his time . i could feel matty wrap his arm around my lower back and let his hand rest on my hip . he had something in his hand but i didn't want to look incase michael noticed . i closed my eyes as i heard a trigger being pulled . before i knew it , i heard a bang and michael was on the ground . matty had shot him and the other two prisoners escaped .

matty slowly walked over to the area michaels body was and picked up the gun that had fallen from his hand.

" let's see would've died ."

he pointed the gun at michael's already dead body . he shot once , nothing came out , i would've been safe after all . he shot again , this would've been michaels turn. again nothing . the next shot went off . if matty hadn't done what he did , ashlee would've been dead .

i began to hear sirens in the distance , and i have never felt so relieved in my life when the police showed up and asked a few questions . the ambulance took michael and marina out of the house and then they all left .

after everyone was gone, it was only the four of us , it was silent.

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