Chapter -1

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V p.o.v

I was busy the whole day, just now I came back to the mansion, and it was almost 11:30 pm

Namjoon and Jin Hyung came back earlier.

I sat on the bed and scrolled through Instagram, suddenly I heard Jimin's voice

"Tae, Jisoo is in danger"

I took my gun and asked "Location And did you inform Jin and Namjoon Hyung?"

Jimin replied "Yes I have informed them"

We all got into our cars...

We reached the location. It was a dark abandoned street.

Jisoo's car was parked 10 m away from us, we moved closer to the car by holding guns in our hands, and bodyguards were around us.

I opened the car door and suddenly heard the sound of fireworks

All around me started singing "Happy birthday to you..... taehyung"

I was surprised by seeing all those beautiful fireworks but it reminded me of my past.

Jisoo came holding a big box in her hand and kept it on her car.

"Sorry for pranking you but happiest birthday bro"

I replied " I was worried but never play pranks like this again, common let's go home"

Tiny little Jimin replied " Mr. Kim Taehyung if you go who will cut the cake"

I replied "Cut it yourself and eat it"

Namjoon Hyung "It's been 2 years since you've cut the cake but this year you must cut"

Jin hyung "tae, at least for us"

Jisoo took the cake out of the box, handed me the knife, and lit up the candles.

I blew them and gave the knife to Jisoo.

"not again" Jimin shouted.

"Tae, we planned all these for you, please cut the cake," Jin Hyung said.

"Hyung I am sorry for disappointing you but I don't wanna cut the cake and the fireworks were really surprising, thank you" I replied and drove off to the mansion.

Third person's p.o.v

After Tae left, the place became so silent no one talked for a few minutes.

Jimin broke the silence "Okay, cut the cake and pack it in different boxes, let's distribute them"

Jisoo started cutting the cake.

Namjoon and Jin stared at Jimin.

Jimin replied, "Why are you guys staring at me?"

Jin replied "You're the only one who tae share about everything, tell me why he isn't cutting the cake"

Jimin replied "Even though I am his best friend, he never shared about it, when I ask him he always changes the topic"

All drove off to the mansion

Jimin p.o.v

We all came back to our mansion, it's 12:30 am

I took a small shower and went to taehyung room.

He was standing on the balcony looking at the sky with a wine glass in his hand.

"Did Hyungs send you ?" tae said in a low tune

I replied while walking closer to him"No, I came by myself, no one sent me ."

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