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Jeon: come here Taehyung.

Tae looked at Jk and stood from his place and seated beside jeon.

Jeon placed his hand around
Tae's shoulder and said "I thought of having a kid like you but you can see none of my sons or daughter is like you, from today you're also my son, you've all the rights like Jk"

Tae smiled.

Lisa: Tae bro, you're very lucky.
Lisa said in a teasing tone.

Jeon: stop teasing him, Kook, how can you be this harsh?.

Jk: dad, that's common.

Tae felt a little shy.

Jeon: feel free Tae.

Tae nodded.

Jk: dad can you please remove your hand from him.
Jeon: don't be jealous jk, I am your dad.

Jeon removed his hand from Tae's shoulder.

Jeon stood up from his place.

Jeon: I will leave, I have works and Jk tomorrow you've to handle my work here, I have to go to russia tomorrow.
Jk: okay dad.

Jeon left for his room.

Yoongi: so, when are you guys gonna get married?
Jk: I am always ready, Ask him.
Lisa: Tae, are you ready?

Tae looked at jk and replied "I need some time"

Hoeseok: Don't force him, leave him until he feels free.

Yoongi and hoeseok left their rooms.

Jk : Lisa, Is there any pending work?
Lisa: No, you can go and take a rest.

Jk stood up and asked Tae for his hand.

He looked at Jk and gave his hand.
They both walked together to Jk's room.

As Jk closed the door Tae jumped onto the bed.

Jk walked to him and sat on the bed.

Jk: are you still nervous?

Tae hugged him from the back side and said "your dad is like a warm person"

Jk turned to him cupped tae's cheeks and said "he's warm in family matters but he is very serious when it comes to business"

Tae said "ohhh..." Because of cupped cheeks Tae voice came out like baby voice.
Jk gave a small peck on tae's lips.
Tae asked Jk with the baby voice "I'll leave then"

Jk removed his hands from tae's cheeks and said "it's 11PM now, no need to go"

Tae stood up from the bed and said

"I am not a kid, let me go"

Jk held his hand pinned him to the wall and said in a deep voice
"yes you are not a kid but u r baby"

He has suddenly lost in tae's eyes.
They slowly started kissing.

They both were feeling each other's lips and the softness.

The kiss was passionate

Tae was about to lose his control.
Jk immediately lift up the Tae and wrapped his legs around Jk's waist and Tae wrapped his hands around jk's neck.

He walked to the bed and layed him in the bed.

He didn't even let Tae breath.
The kiss was very deep.

Suddenly someone started knocking the door.

Tae broke the kiss and took a deep breath.

His lips became red and swollen.
Jk said while looking at tae's lips with a smirk.
"Ignore it"

And he started kissing again.
They heard again the door knocking sound.

They broke the kiss and Jk went to check who it was.

He opened the door agressively and
It was his hoeseok hyung.

Jk: why are you here now hyung?
Hoeseok: I just came to remind you that tomorrow you have meetings so it would be good if you don't plan something with your bf.

Jk sighed and hoeseok went back to his room.

Jk closed the door with disappointment and walked to Tae with a bunny face and Tae was smiling.

Jk looked at tae and said "come let's sleep"

Tae nodded with a smile.
Tae wore Jk's clothes which became very baggy.

They both cuddled and slept together.

It has continued for more than a month, tae was on cloud nine.

They both spent their time together and Jeon family accepted tae and tae became part of that family and he felt comfortable with them.

Jungkook and tae were meeting everyday and jimin knew about that.

But somewhere tae was feeling that something bad is gonna happen but he didn't know what was going to happen.

Tae handled everything smoothly that none of their family members got a doubt about him.
They were spending the best time in their relationship..

Tae was just hoping to be happy with jungkook until his last breath and he even decided to get married to Jungkook.


???: dad, your guess was right...


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