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Jungkook caught taehyung hand.

jungkook was busy checking files in his office.

The time was 1 am, December 30.

Jungkook p.o.v

It's late and I have to leave
I went to my car placed all the things in the backseat and drove off to the bar.
I was enjoying the drinks and I suddenly saw the Son of Mr Kim, Mr Kim taehyung who was fully drunk he walked out of the bar so I did.

I saw him walking in a dark street which was a way to my mansion.
He was looking so cute.

I walked closer to him and he saw me and said "Hmmm.... You -are Jeon Jung-Kook right"

I nodded and he suddenly fell on me.
I patted his back to wake him up but he didn't wake up.

He was fully drunk and I wanted to leave him on the street but I fell in love with his cuteness.

I carried him to my car and drove off to my secret house which is out of town on a small mountain.

He opened his eyes looked around and yelled " Where are you taking me ?"
I replied "To the hell"
He looked at me, smiled and pecked on my cheek.
I was shocked by that.

He was silently looking at me.

And I stopped the car and he asked: "did we arrive in hell"

I replied with a smirk on my face "Yes"
I carried him to my room and laid him on the bed and took off his shoes.

"You... Are so cute like a big bunny"
That's it, that one word is enough to make me angry, I lost all my patience and hovered over him.

" Are you gonna take my virginity?"
He said with a husky voice.

I replied with a smirk" Yes darling "
He smashed his lips on mine.

I felt his lips soft and smooth, I kissed him back.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and then pulled me closer.

I broke the kiss.

He pushed me, hovered over me and removed his shirt.

And unbuttoned my shirt and started to kiss me on my neck.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He started to bite my neck and I moaned in pain.

He gave me hickeys all over my neck and I slightly pushed him but he fell on the bed beside me.

It was very painful.

I looked at him sleeping like a baby.

I covered him with a duvet and kissed his forehead.

I went to take a small shower and came back and wore a baggy shirt with baggy pants and slept beside him.

That night we stayed together.
*Next day morning*

I woke up at 9 am and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

I started cooking breakfast and saw tae coming downstairs.

He came down rubbing his eyes and saw me cooking.

"What did you do to me?" He asked with a serious face.

"You were the one who gave me hickeys all over my neck"

"Where are we now?" He asked me pointing a gun.

I walked closer to him and said
"Tae, don't worry, I won't harm you"
I said in a soft tune.

"You're my enemy, how can I believe you?"

He replied with a deep voice.

"Okay, don't believe me and you can leave"

I handed him the car keys.
He took the keys and ran out to the car and checked around the car to check the bombs but there were no bombs in it.
I understand how much he hates me.
He drove off.

I continued my cooking but tae words and his face, his body, his kiss and everything was running through my mind.

I turned off the stove threw the food and drove off to the mansion.

Tae p.o.v

I reached the mansion and went to my room.

What the fuck how did I even kiss him.
I started to think about night and I was spacing out.

And Jimin came into the room and asked where were you the whole night?"
Relied "I don't know but I wanna ask you something "

He sat beside me and asked, "What is that that red mark on your neck?"
I tried to cover it and changed the subject "Tell me if you get a chance to kill your enemy, will you miss that, if yes why?"

Jimin took a few seconds to reply "Yes I will kill my enemy because I hate him and if I start to understand him and love him I won't kill because how can I kill the one I love "

I started to think about what he said.
Then why didn't Jungkook kill me?
Does he love me?

Why didn't he take the chance to kill me?

Why can't I forget about him?

Why am I thinking about him again and again?

So many questions in my head about jungkook but where will I get my answers except from jungkook?
Jimin waved his hands in front of my face.

"what's wrong with you today?
You are behaving so odd"

I replied "Nothing, did dad arrange any party tonight?"

Jimin replied "Yes, at our new bar and he also invited our enemies too and Jay is gonna come"

(Jay is a mediator, a client of Kim and Jeons and he is the one and only nephew of Mr Kim,
Kim Tae Hyung hate him because he tried to sexually harass tae)

I replied, "Why that bastard?"
Jimin replied with a serious face "Maybe he is gonna announce a new project, and then I will leave"

I nodded and Jimin left.
I went to take a shower.

Jungkook p.o.v

I came back to the mansion and saw Dad and Lisa having breakfast.
I went to them
" Today we are invited to Kim's new bar for a party and a new project announcement by Jay"

Dad said with a cold expression
I replied "Okay Dad then I will get ready for that"

Then I left to my room and sat on the bed
And started to think about tae, I can't stop thinking about him, I can't get him out of my mind.

I am excited that I will meet tae today.
Time skipped.

*** 9 pm ****


Hope you guys like the story, don't get bored because there is big twists in the story.


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