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???: dad, your guess was right.

The person handed some files to the kim.

Kim: so this is what is going on with my dearest son,  just do what I say.

We are leaving now.
Kim said the plan to that person.

It was Jungkook's birthday tae was in his dorm sleeping.

Tae P.O.V

My body is feeling numb I am not able to wake up.

I just opened my eyes and looked around.

Wtf it is not my dorm, where am I?

Why the hell I am tied up...
I yelled "someone help me"
And then my dad came inside with a gun in his hand.

Is he gonna kill me or what?
I was just shocked to see him with a gun and namjoon hyung was also with him wtf is going on here.

" Why did you guys tied me up?"
I just asked dad with a confused face

He just pointed the gun towards me and turned it towards him.

Fuckkk..... What he is gonna do.
I shouted "dad, wth are you doing, just untie me and why are pointing gun towards you?"

He was just maintaining silence.

Namjoon hyung replied while looking at me "we are not sorry but you have to do as we say"

Tae: first tell me where we are?

Dad replied with a blank face

" Don't worry dear tae, We are in Russia, just do as I say otherwise I will kill myself and I know very well you are good boy and will listen to dad, right ?"

I just sighed and asked "what should i do?"

I just thought it's not gonna be a big deal.

Dad replied with a smirk on his face

"Nothing much tae just wear the outfit which is beside you and get that ring with you"

I was totally shocked and my mind went blank for a few seconds "are you telling me to marry someone"

Dad walked closer to me and said with angry face "not with that fucking bastard jungkook, sry Jeon Jungkook"

I just asked dad "what do you know about them dad, you think they killed my mom, have you ever listened to what happened - I was cut off because of gunshot sound.

Dad shot his left hand right in the middle of his palm and yelled "just do as I have said otherwise the next bullet will directly get into my head and wtf you know about them, just do as I say"

Since I love him more than myself which became a negative point in me

I have no other option than doing this, my dad is really a stubborn man that I have ever seen in my life.

They untied me and I don't even have a small place or at least a chance to escape.

I just wore that suit and took the ring and followed my dad.
His hand was bleeding alot.
I asked him " dad, please just tie at least a cloth to your hand, it is bleeding a lot".
It was very hard for me to believe dad and namjoon hyung doing this.
He replied while walking "until you marry him it will be bleeding"

Ohhhh..... God.... I would rather die but I don't have that option or chance.

We arrived to the banquet hall in that hotel or something I don't even know where I am.

The guy was standing there and no one was there except bodyguards, Namjoon hyung, dad and me.

"Where are Jimin, jisoo and jin hyung?"

I asked dad with confused face.
Dad replied "they are on the way"
I am so Messed up 🤬 and frustrated.

The guy was looking at me with a weird expression and I don't even know him.

I was just staring at him and lost in thoughts.

Dad yelled " go on"
I walked closer to him and stood in front of him.

Ohhh.... Someone save me.
I was shouting in my mind and my eyes were filled with tears idk what to do, my mind is filled with silence...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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