Ch 23

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  • Dedicated to the people who still read this

(Cliffhanger start:)

"Then you need to quit leaving me." I looked down, unable to look at him.

"You can't keep doing this to me."

"Then leave." He growled, standing up and marching off to our- his room. I can't believe it was that easy.

"Fine!" I screamed, stomping out of the front door after gathering a few things from the closet. "I knew you didn't care."

I got in my car and just drove. No specific place, I just left. Maybe I'll just stay at a shitty hotel, because it's not like having no job has any perks of good pay last time I checked.


I proved my own point to him. He obviously didn't care much for me, so now I'm sitting here at 2:00 am on my friends couch crying. I reminisced through thoughts, but was stumped on a single one. Why did he let me leave? It sounds selfish, yes, but he hasn't even talked to me, no texts, no calls. Nothing.

I stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, barely being able to see from the dark and tears slowly building in my eyes. I missed him, but I had to do this. It's honestly for my own good... Or his.

I took the juice from the fridge, taking a swig from the bottle and putting it back into the fridge, almost missing the shelf a few times, but I finally got it up there. Walking thorough the arch way connecting the living room and kitchen I saw my phone lit up, slight chance it was Harry I ran to it.

The text read:

Harry- 2:29am

Call me please.

Me- 2:30am

What do you want.

Harry- 2:33am

Dammit, Anna quit being stubborn! Just call me, please! I need to talk to you.

"Fine." I mumbled, sliding up to the top of the messages and pressing call.

"Hello?" I heard a groggy, raspy voice from the other line.

"Okay, now what do you want." I said quietly.

"I want you to come home."

There was a long silence after he'd said that. I couldn't even think of a reply. I wanted to come home, I really did but- I couldn't. It's been 2 weeks, no.

"You should've told me earlier, Harry. You should've stopped me before I walked out of the door, God, Harry, You should've cared!" I yelled almost, stepping outside the front door to not wake anyone.

"I know. It's my fault you're gone, and it's going to be my fault if I don't get you back okay? I'm coming to get you. What's the address. I can't do this anymore." He said, crying.

I mumbled the address as he typed it into his gps. I shouldn't have done that but, I felt so bad. I wasn't going to give up so easy on someone I love so much.

About a half an hour later I finally saw his car pull up and him run towards the front door. I quickly jumped from the couch to get the door. This was ridiculous, but it'd felt like 2 years rather than 2 weeks.

He pulled me into his arms as I walked out the door.

"I missed you." He mumbled into my neck as he kissed it lightly.

"You're not off so easily lover boy." I laughed, pushing him away. "I'm gonna go get my stuff." I mumbled, walking inside and grabbing my duffel bag from aside the couch and walking back outside.

"Are you seriously still mad at me?" He stopped me at the porch.

Is he seriously serious?

"I'll talk to you at home." Is all i said before walking back to the car.



nobody reads this anymore *sigh*

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