Ch 10

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I woke up, caressed in muscular arms. My mind shifted to thoughts of yesterday. I can't believe i freaked out? I've always been this way, making conclusions about things before figuring out the truth. I took a deep breath, caving my chest in and out.

I wiggled my fingers under Harry's arm, waking him up with a small snort. "Morning." He awoke, giving me a weak squeeze. "Morning." I smiled as he brushed my hair aside and looked into my eyes. I hated when he did this, it sent butterflies through my veins. He tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me up into a kiss. "Let me go." I laughed, pushing his chest.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as I got out of his grip. "Lets change it up today." He smiled, sitting up in bed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Let me um, take you somewhere." He looked down with pink cheeks. "Ah-sure!" I exclaimed happily. "Lets do it. Get dressed." He said, giving me a kiss and stepping out of my room and waving at me.


"Ready?" Harry popped his head into my room as I slipped on my hoodie that I'd finally gotten from his car. "Yeah!" I fixed my hair, and took his hand as we walked out of my room. "Why'd you decide to do this?" I asked him as we walked out of the front door. "You always make me breakfast. I can't cook anything except quesadillas so I thought I'd treat you." He said, bending down into the car. "That's sweet." I smiled at him.

We arrived at a small breakfast diner, pulling up in the front parking spot. My thoughts again went to yesterday and i zoned out. Did.. Harry say he loved me yesterday? I stared in front of me in a daze at nothing and lost in my thoughts. "Annaaaa?" Harry repeated with a chuckle. "Uh, oh sorry." I laughed, bringing my attention to Harry's green eyes. "Ready to eat?" He asked. "Yeah let's go!" I said, flinging open the door, causing it to bounce on the hinges.

"Table for two." Harry told the waitress at the front desk. I rested my head on his arm as the waitress collected our menus and silverware. We walked down a small set of stairs to a booth with a view of the ocean. "Here's your seats." The waitress moved her hands and signaled us toward the booth. "Thanks." Harry said to her, looking at her a bit. "H-Harry styles?.." She paused. "Yeah?" He laughed. "Oh my, I'm such a big fan. C-can I have your autograph?" The waitress fangirled, causing me to almost wet myself with holding in laughter. Harry was such a dork, it was weird to see girls in a funny state like this. Harry signed her order pad with a sharpie and the waitress chuckled as she pet his arm, told him an exited Thank you and walked away.

Harry shrugged his shoulders and slid into the booth across from me. "That was weird." I laughed. "You'll get used to it." He smiled, putting his arms across the table. I took his hands and we just looked at each other for a bit.

"H-hey... Harry?" I asked nervously. "Yeah?" ,"Do you.. Really uh, love me.." I said slowly. "Mhm." He replied, tightening his grip on our intertwined fingers. "I love you too." I swiped my thumb back and forth onto his.

"Can I take your o-order?" The excited waitress asked. "Uh yeah-" Harry placed our orders. "I'm on it!" The waitress shuffled away. I looked around the diner, admiring the paintings hung upon the walls. "Harry is that?-" He interrupted, "J-just Dont pay attention to him." "H-he's, coming. He's coming over here." Tears leaked into my eyes. "Maybe he'll walk by." Harry mumbled, pulling his hood up and tilting his head down to view his lap and taking my hands into his under the table. Alex walked by without noticing us. My heart was beating a million miles an hour.

"Did he see us?" Harry whispered.

"N-no. I don't think so." I said back.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked. "No." I said quickly, looking at him. "He's not going to ruin this." I added, Harry nodded.

The waitress brought our food to the table. "Thanks." Harry shot her his million dollar smile, showing off his dimples. She was about to crack a huge smile but held back. "So-you wanna eat?" He laughed, watching me poke at my food. "I'm... I'm just a bit scared I guess." I replied. "He's not gonna see us babe." He laughed. "Just enjoy breakfast, k?" , "Okay." Harry comforted me so much.

I scarfed down my food, Harry finished before me of course. "Ready to bounce?" Harry asked me, slipping his money into the waitresses hand.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" A deep voice asked from behind me. "Shit." I looked at Harry, and Harry looked at me. We were thinking exactly the same thing. "Alex. What- what do you want." I asked. "Just wanna talk." Alex smirked. "Harry.." I looked at him and he winked at me as a signal. Run.

Harry grabbed my hand, ripping me out of the booth and taking off up the three steps and out the door of the diner. "C'mon the cars over here!" He laughed.

We hived into the car and Harry started it, taking off quickly, being careful of his injured arm. "Go, go, go, go!" I laughed as we sped off laughing.

"He scares the shit out of you, doesn't he?" Harry asked me. "Well if I recall correctly.. He almost killed you, and broke into our house threatening to kill me so, yeah! I am." I grunted. "Lighten up." He said as we pulled in front of the house.

"Did you at least have a little fun?" He frowned as he unlocked the front door. "Yes, I had a lot of fun." I kissed him as he pushed it open. "What's on your agenda for the rest of the day?" He asked. "Probably sit around. With you." I smiled. "You?" I asked him. "Same." He sat onto the couch and turned on the tv. "So, you really love me eh?" I asked, sitting down next to him on the couch. "Yessss, do you not believe me?" He tilted his head. "No, I do, I do." I winked at him.

He put his arm around me and tugged me to sit close to him. "Do YOU really love ME?" He looked into my eyes. "Yes." I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head in his chest. "I swear." I closed my eyes. "I hope so. I do."

He picked his phone up off of the coffee table. "My twitters blowin' up!" He laughed. Maybe 'cause you're 'HARRY STYLES!' Hm?" I smirked, sliding my hands into his shirt and slowly sliding it off. "Wacha doin?" He smiled at me. "JUST taking your shirt off." I chuckled as I rested my head onto his chest again. "Hey guess what?" He asked. "What?" I asked, expecting it to be a funny twitter post.

"I love you more." He smiled. "Nope! I love you more." I laughed. "No, no I love you more." "NOPE! SHUTUP! I totally love you more." I laughed into his chest. "Oh really?" He asked, getting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Let me down!" I laughed and screamed, banging my fists playfully into his back as he dragged me into his bedroom and closed the door, throwing me onto the bed. "We'll see, hm?" He looked into my eyes and chuckled. "Harry, nooo." I groaned. "No what? I wasn't thinking about that." He laughed as he crawled on top of me and sat on me. "Don't you dare! I'll kill you!" I screamed. He took my wrists and started ticking me. "Harry stop!" I screamed with laughter. Thank god he had a short-soft cast.

"You're going to die, you vial creature!" I yelled. "Oh really?" He smirked, now tickling my stomach. "I'm gonna get you!" I yelled as I took control and flipped him over onto the bed. "My turn." I looked devilishly into his eyes as I started attacking him with tickles, causing him to laugh like crazy. "WAIT!" He grabbed me as he pulled out his phone from under him.

"Can I record this?" He laughed embarrassedly. "Sure, since we're so intimate." I said as he propped his phone up onto the dresser. "I'm gonna get you. " he laughed as he pounced onto the bed and began tickling me. Oh god, our poor neighbors probably think we're crazy.

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