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This is a nightmare!

-Miyuki... Don't die. Please don't die.

A young boy was carrying a girl on his back who didn't look conscious.

The boy had burgundy eyes and hair, and was wearing a checked haori.

The girl had long blond hair, with navy blue at the end. She had a wound on her torso.

-I'll save you, I promise! I won't let you die.

Miyuki didn't answer. She was obviously in no condition to do so.

-Do you hear me?!? I'll save you, whatever it takes!

Miyuki's body is still warm. There's still hope of saving her. I've got to get her to a doctor. I can barely breathe, the air is so cold it's tearing my lungs apart.

I've got to keep moving... I've got to move my legs faster!

The town's still a long way off, I've got to hurry...

I won't let you die Mitsuki, I'll save you.

I'll save you, I promise!

Despite all these positive thoughts, the young girl remained inert. The boy was getting more and more frightened by the second.

What if Miyuki didn't survive? No! You mustn't think like that!

The village was getting closer and closer.

It was only a few kilometres away, but he still had to be patient...


Doctor Taiga Oshikawa was opening his surgery, it was going to be a long day.

He cocked his head to one side, wondering if young Tanjiro Kamado had managed to get home?

Of course he was home at this hour, there was no reason why he shouldn't be.

His daughter, Maemi, aged 10, came running towards him, a big smile on her face.

His office was also the doctor's house.

-Daddy! I drew you! Just like Miyuki taught me!

The man smiled, his child was adorable.

His wife came into the room. She looked tenderly at her husband and daughter.


The happy little family gasped.

Someone was at the door.

The doctor rushed to open it.

When he saw what was behind the door he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Tanjiro Kamado was there in front of him, out of breath and obviously very panicked. He was carrying a wounded and unresponsive Miyuki on his back.

Mrs Oshikawa had taken her daughter in her arms and covered her eyes before rushing out of the room.

-Quick!" cried the doctor, spreading a white sheet on his table. Put her down there!

Tanjiro did as he was told, placing his sister on the table.

-Sit down," ordered Taiga Oshikawa. You look like you're about to faint. I'd have preferred you to go into another room, but knowing that your sister's here, I'm guessing you'll want to stay there.

Tanjiro nodded, his gaze fixed on Miyuki's body.

With that, the doctor took a deep breath and grabbed his tools.

He was going to have his work cut out for him.


Miyuki was lying in bed with the whole Oshikawa family and her brother Tanjiro at her bedside.

-She's out of the woods," announced the doctor to his brother.

Tanjiro leapt to his feet and bowed.

-Thank you so much! Thank you so much! -What happened to make Miyuki end up in such a state? asked the doctor's worried wife.

-When I got home, I found my whole family... I... Found my whole family dead. Only Miyuki was still warm. The whole family gasped.

-What are you going to do now?

asked Maemi, distressed.

-I don't know," said Tanjiro. I suppose we'll have to look for another mountain to live on. When I've earned a bit of money, I'll come back and pay you.

-You don't owe me anything! exclaimed Taiga Oshikawa forcefully. Your family is dead, I'd never ask you for money under those circumstances!

-I'll come back and pay you!

-No, I'm telling you!

-Yes, I will!

-What's going on?

Everyone turned back to Miyuki at once. The young girl had woken up and was staring at her surroundings in confusion.

Tanjiro looked like he was about to cry.

He immediately took his little sister in his arms.

-Miyuki! I'm so relieved! I've been so scared...

-Where's Mum, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta?

Her brother couldn't say a word.

Seeing Tanjiro, the young girl understood.

She nodded:

-OK, I understand.

The doctor's wife then broke the silence.

-Stay here until Miyuki's well enough to travel.

The brother and sister nodded.

-OK, but I'll pay you!

-Oh no, you won't! You're not going to start that again!


A few days later, Tanjiro and Miyuki set off again. The Oshikawa family had given them as much food as the Kamado could carry.

After returning to bury their family, they left their home village in search of a new mountain to live on.

Little did they know that their adventure would lead them to join the corps of demon slayers. _______________________________________

Here's the first chapter 🤗 !

I'm going to repeat myself but I'd rather make it clear. This story is in collaboration with @Glawdys_chan.

That's why you'll find the story on both our accounts.

And here's a drawing of Miyuki by Glawdys_chan. It's beautiful 😍.

 It's beautiful 😍

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He's gorgeous 😍


Sun Breathing : First FormWhere stories live. Discover now