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They had been walking for several days, their backs laden with bags of food that were gradually being emptied as the days went by.

Our travellers were very tired, they had been walking for a long time, they had woken up at dawn to have a better chance of finding a habitable mountain not too far from a village, as before...

Our travellers were sweating profusely, their clothes damp from the sweat their bodies were giving off, and it was a very hot day.

Tanjiro and Miyuki were walking along a path, there was a house not far away and some farmers were ploughing fields not far from where they lived.

Miyuki collapsed, one of the straps of her bag had just broken and the weight of the bag had carried her backwards.

-Miyuki! Are you OK? Her brother asked as he came closer to her.

-Yes, I'm fine, but the bag's ruined. She replied, standing up and dusting off her clothes. We're not going to leave the food here, are we?

Tanjiro thought for a moment and then turned to the peasants.

-Excuse me, can I take this basket from you?" Tanjiro asked them.

-Take what you like, but the basket's got a hole in it..." replied one of the peasants.

-Thank you, I'll pay you!

The peasant insisted that he was offering him the basket but Tanjiro didn't care (just like with the doctor) and paid him anyway.

Miyuki and Tanjiro patched up the basket before putting all the food back inside and covering it with a cloth, so they continued on their way.


The sun had been down for a while and our travellers needed to find a place to rest in the shade. Luckily for them, they found an old shrine in the middle of a forest.

-There's a small shrine. Tanjiro said, pointing to it. There's a light, there must be someone there.

-Let's go, I'm exhausted, there's only one thing I want: to sleep! exclaimed Miyuki, yawning.

-Let's go and see.

They approached the house when Tanjiro put an arm in front of his sister.

-That smell... It's blood! he exclaimed, "It must be someone who got hurt on the steep paths of this mountain!

Tanjiro rushed towards the shrine, pulling Miyuki along with him as he started to open the door, but stopped after glancing inside. Seeing that Tanjiro had stopped moving, she glanced back.

The sight before them was horrifying. A monster that looked like a man was crouching beside the dead bodies of the former occupants of this shrine, the monster was eating one of them. There was blood everywhere, on the walls, on the floor, on the corpses, on the monster which had ceased its activity and was now observing the "intruders".

The young girl was stunned, the memories of her daughter's bodies and their deaths still vivid in her mind.

-Hey, there! Who gave you permission?" asked the monster. Tanjiro and Miyuki froze, and didn't answer the demon.

-This is my territory. So watch out if you touch my food! said the man-eater.

Miyuki, having become aware of the situation they were in, took two axes that were resting against the wall of the shrine and discreetly gave one to Tanjiro.

-Hm...? Strange... there's something wrong. That girl and you... Are you human?

Their silence was in fact an answer, of course they were human, what else could they be?

The man-eater suddenly lunged at Tanjiro, who defended himself with the axe Miyuki had given him. He was so fast, Miyuki hadn't even had time to move or see anything.

-Hahaha! An axe, not bad! Scoffed the demon. But it's just a scratch. It'll heal straight away, look, I'm not bleeding any more. Indeed, the wound caused by Tanjiro was beginning to disappear.

Miyuki watched the scene without knowing what to do: should she help Tanjiro? should she flee? but if she decided to help her brother, would she be able to handle it? and she couldn't bring herself to abandon him to certain death either. She had not been able to avoid the death of her family. Was she going to be useless once again?

While Miyuki was thinking, the demon tackled Tanjiro to the ground.

-You won't get me twice, I'm going to break your neck.

Following this sentence Miyuki decided to react, she took off with the axe and cut off the demon's head, which flew off and landed near a tree.

-Did I kill it...? Miyuki asked, having just ended the life of a human being.

-That doesn't make you a murderer... he's just a demon..." Tanjiro consoled her.

Only Miyuki saw the demon's headless body move, her blood ran cold, and she kicked the demon to ward off the threat.

-You scum!" cried the demon's head.

The headless body of the demon rose up and attacked Miyuki who held it at bay with her axe. Tanjiro was going to help her but arms had grown on the demon's head and she was propelled onto him. Tanjiro stuck the axe in its mouth but the demon's head persisted.

-GET OUT! Tanjiro struck the demon's head with one blow, then another, and finally blocked it against a tree trunk. The head could do nothing more.

-Miyuki!" shouted Tanjiro as he rushed towards her. She was on the edge of a cliff and the demon was about to push her, but Tanjiro bumped into her and the demon fell off the cliff. Tanjiro, carried away by his impulse, was very lucky when Miyuki grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto solid ground.


Tanjiro was standing in front of the head of the demon that had fainted, he was going to kill it but hesitated. Tanjiro held a knife in his hand, he raised the knife above the demon's head but...

- It wouldn't be enough to kill him.




Hi dear reader, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I'd like to point out that this story is in collaboration with Elainehoshino .

Thank you for reading, see you next time.

Thank you for reading, see you next time

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