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- First we need to prepare your uniforms," said the white-haired twin. We'll take your measurements and make them to your size. Then we'll write your rank on them.

- Speaking of ranks, there are 10 of them. In ascending order: Mizunoto, Mizunoe, Kanoto, Kanoe, Tsuchinoto, Tsuchinoe, Hinoto, Hinoe, Kinoto, Kinoe. For the moment you're Mizunoto, the lowest rank," added his black-haired sister.

-Our swords! repeated the boy with the scar, looking increasingly angry.

-Today you're going to choose the iron that will be used to make them," tempered the little girl. It will then take ten to fifteen days to make them.

-I've got a question," Miyuki announced calmly, raising her hand.

-What question?

-How are we going to find out about the missions we'll be given?

-I was going to come to that. We're also going to assign you a liaison raven.

-As Miyuki said in her question, they're used to announce communications and missions. explained the brunette sister.

-Do you know my first name? she exclaimed with a backward movement.

Tanjiro tilted his head to one side, puzzled.

The twins smiled. Which, when done at the same time, had a slightly frightening effect.

-A case like yours won't remain unknown to the Master for long. Sakonji Urokodaki also informed us," revealed the white-haired girl.

Miyuki froze for a moment. Was the sun breathing that exceptional and rare?

Suddenly a swarm of crows appeared on the horizon.

They swooped down on the survivors and landed on their arms.

Miyuki gazed at her new companion. He had jet-black feathers with brilliant bluish highlights.

She didn't get a chance to contemplate the bird any further, as the exchanges had resumed on the human side.

- What is it? It's not a raven, it's a sparrow! exclaimed the boy with the orange-blond hair.

Everyone ignored him superbly.


The angry boy with the scars had hit his raven.

-We don't give a damn about these pathetic birds! he shouted.

Where does he get off talking about us?

He grabbed the white-haired girl's hair and forced her to look him in the eye.

She didn't look disturbed, maybe she was used to it.

-What I want is my sword! My sword, you hear?!? My slayer's sword, the famous colour-changing sword of the sun!

Everything got mixed up in Miyuki's head.

Another little girl replaced the poor organiser of the selection.

A little girl with stick fringe and a haori with checked pockets.


Everything happened very quickly, Miyuki rushed over and tackled the young boy to the ground, her sword on his neck.

-Who do you think you are! he exclaimed, trying to hit the young girl.

Tanjiro immediately blocked his arm.

-I forbid you to touch my sister! he shouted, his veins popping out.

The angry man tried to move again, but the young Kamado broke his arm.

He staggered to his feet, holding his arm.

-Aaahh! he groaned in pain.

The brothers and sisters watched him with intense stares.

Tanjiro stood in front of his sister and Miyuki protected the little white-haired girl.

The blonde boy's gaze went from person to person, terrified.

The girl with the butterfly hairpin was ignoring everyone, her attention focused on a butterfly that had come to perch on her finger.

-Have you finished?

Everyone turned to the brunette girl.

-So now come and choose your steel," she said, indicating a table where raw materials were stored.

-Your swords will be used to kill demons and protect you. You must choose the raw material yourself.

-I won't survive long. I'm sure you won't...

Much to the chagrin of his sparrow.


A magnificent pavilion is the only way to describe this place.

A man is sitting on the stoop with a raven on his finger.

-Five survived, it's a good group," he murmured. So here I am with five more 'children'. I can't wait to find out what kind of warriors they'll become.


Miyuki was supporting a wounded Tanjiro, who was struggling to stand on his own two feet.

They had been walking for a long time and had finally arrived at Master Urokodaki's house.

Perhaps it was the relief of finally being home, but Tanjiro's legs gave way under him, dragging Miyuki to the ground with him.

-Are you alright? worried the user of the breath of water as he looked for signs of injury on his little sister.

-Yes, I'm fine. You, on the other hand, are a different story.

The door to the house suddenly opened, startling the Kamados.

Master Urokodaki rushed towards them and embraced them deeply.

-You're alive! Well done! Well done!

Tears of joy ran down his cheeks.


Fifteen days later...

Tanjiro stood in the doorway.

-Oh! Master, Miyuki! Do you think it's him?!

-Oh! Master, Miyuki! Do you think it's him?!

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The entrance of Haganezuka! The spiral of destiny for the slayers slowly begins...

Miyuki will soon become a hashira!



Sun Breathing : First FormWhere stories live. Discover now