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-Oh! Master! Do you think it's him?

Miyuki, intrigued by Tanjiro's exclamation, approached the door to see what was outside: there was a person with a large woven hat from which a dozen crystal bells hung. In any case, his headgear was huge. He was wearing traditional travelling clothes and had a piece of cloth supporting something rectangular.

This person approached the hut with his head pointing towards the ground, looking a little mysterious.

-Bells... Tanjiro seemed confused by the strange hat the man was wearing.

-My name is Hanaganezuka. I bring the swords I forged for Tanjiro and Miyuki Kamado.

Miyuki and her brother's eyes widened and euphoria took over their bodies, they were finally going to receive their sword of the sun, they'd been waiting for them for so long.

-I'm Tanjiro Kamado and this is my sister Miyuki! Come in, please!

But the person wasn't listening to Tanjiro at all, he sat down on the ground, his knees against the ground. He began to unpack what he was carrying.

-Uh...Come on in, then. Miyuki said indignantly, this Hanaganezuka didn't deserve to kneel on the ground, Tanjiro and Miyuki were quite embarrassed that he had knelt.

-Here's your "sword of the sun". He wasn't listening to the two siblings at all. I made them myself. he informed us.

-I'll serve your tea. Tanjiro said.

But he didn't pay any attention at all, he continued talking, still with his head towards the ground.

-The minerals needed to make it can only be extracted from Mount Yoko, the mountain closest to the sun. He had opened the box and inside were two things wrapped in bandages. Seeing the blacksmith's indifference, Miyuki decided to enter Urokodaki's house again. The "scarlet sand" found there is iron that absorbs sunlight.

-You'll get your bag dirty on the floor...

-Mount Yoko is sunny every day of the year. There's never a cloud or rain.

From inside, Miyuki could hear her brother trying to persuade Hanaganezuka to return and the blacksmith continuing to talk about sword-making.

-That Hanaganezuka, he hasn't changed a bit! He doesn't listen to anything we say! muttered the weapon master.

-Do you know him? Miyuki asked in surprise.

He told her that he'd met this atypical blacksmith in the blacksmith's village when he was still a water pillar.

Hanaganezuka interrupted their conversation.

-There's a good chance his sword will be red! Right, Urokodaki?

The blacksmith had made this statement because Tanjiro had red reflections in his hair and eyes. Miyuki had blonde hair and blue eyes, so there was no chance of her having any red highlights.

-That's true. He replied.

Hanaganezuka had finally gone inside. Miyuki and Tanjiro had thought he was going to stay outside the door until tomorrow!

-Take it out of its scabbard.


Tanjiro was the first to take his sword out of its sheath.

Sabres of the sun are also called 'colour-changing sabres' because the colour of the blade adapts to its owner. Tanjiro held his sabre vertically and waited for the change in colour that Hanaganezuka had mentioned earlier.

-His blade is black. Miyuki observed

-BLACK! exclaimed the blacksmith, but we couldn't see the expression on his face because he was wearing a mask that was just as atypical as he was.

-He's black. Urokodaki also noted.

-Why? Isn't it good when it turns black? It's a bad sign. Tanjiro said in panic, sweat dripping from his temple.

-No, it's not. Not at all, but... It's very rare. replied his weapon master calmly.

-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! cried the blacksmith, taking his head in his hands. His shout had startled Miyuki. I was hoping to see red! A nice, flashy red! He jumped on Miyuki's brother and pulled on his cheeks.

-That's a bit of an overreaction, isn't it? the blonde asked the old man sitting next to her.

Urokodaki nodded and huffed. The blacksmith was overreacting.

-Ouch! Calm down! How old are you? Tanjiro tried to shake off Hanaganezuka's grip.

-Thirty seven. he replied.

The two men kept bickering.

-Good Miyuki, take your sword out of its scabbard, because at this speed you'll never see your katana. said Urokodaki.

Miyuki grabbed her sword from the sun and removed the scabbard, positioning it vertically as Tanjiro had done before her. She waited a few seconds and her sword also turned black.

-It's also black. The young girl said in disappointment, wishing she'd had a different colour. Too bad.

-Don't be disappointed- Urokodaki didn't have time to finish her sentence, two crows suddenly entered the hut, cawing.

-Tanjiro Kamado! Miyuki Kamado! You must go to a village to the north-east of here. This is your first mission as a demon slayer.

-The crows are talking! exclaimed the demon slayer.

-Prepare yourself carefully. Said the second raven. Because in this village, every night, young women disappear!


Yo populace, I hope all is well with you on this beautiful Wednesday!

See you soon!


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