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Tanjiro was running behind the old man, Tanjiro was out of breath while Urokodaki was running smoothly and quietly.

As for Miyuki, she had fallen asleep on Tanjiro's back, exhausted. She hadn't been able to sleep during the night because of the demon.

Tanjiro was running with great difficulty, it had been a while since his sister had been on his back and although she was thin, her weight was no less, but Tanjiro was determined, he would never give up!


Tanjiro, Miyuki and Urokodaki had just arrived in front of a small wooden house; the old man's house. Tanjiro was kneeling on the ground from exhaustion, he couldn't even stand up, he was breathing heavily and looked in the direction of the man in front of him.

-A...So...? What's the... Your verdict?

Tanjiro asked Urokodaki, catching his breath with difficulty.

-The test hasn't started yet. Follow me into the forest.

Tanjiro's face was more than expressive... anyone could have known what he was thinking at the moment. He finally decided to leave his sleeping sister inside the hut and followed the old man up the mountain.

Because of the altitude and the lack of air Tanjiro felt dizzy, he couldn't walk straight and it was hard to breathe, but Urokodaki continued to climb higher but suddenly stopped and turned back to Tanjiro.

-Now, go back down to my house at the foot of the mountain. Careful, this time I won't wait for you until dawn!


But the man had already disappeared into the fog.


Urokodaki was with Miyuki, who'd only just woken up, and they were having a cup of tea while waiting for Tanjiro to come back from the ordeal. Miyuki was quite worried and didn't hesitate to share her concerns with Urokodaki, even though she had blind faith in her older brother. The old man reassured her, promising that if he wasn't back in three hours, he'd go and get him himself, but no sooner had he made this promise to Miyuki than a noise was heard outside. Miyuki gasped, the altercation with the demon was recent and it was tense.

-Could it be Tanjiro? It had to be him! Miyuki got up and went to the door to open it, indeed, Tanjiro was there, in front of the door, he was out of breath, he was exhausted and had several wounds on his body.

-Tanjiro Kamado... You're in. Urokodaki said.

There was a short silence as Urokodaki and Tanjiro looked into each other's eyes.

-When you've finished staring into each other's eyes, maybe we should take care of Tanjiro! Miyuki said, interrupting the silence, Urokodaki's words were important and certainly the start of a new life, but Tanjiro's condition worried her sister enormously.

-Miyuki's right, I'm going to get something to treat you. Tanjiro's new mentor warned. Miyuki, could you feed him in the meantime, he must be starving.

-Indeed, I'm starving to death! Tanjiro exclaimed.

-Here, some onigiri, you greedy bastard! Miyuki gave them to him, teasing him gently.

Urokodaki came back with something to treat him and the evening went on in good spirits. Tanjiro told his sister about his ordeal and she drank in his words with a look of wonder on her face.

-By the way, Miyuki, how's your wound? asked Urokodaki.

Miyuki looked at her wound but there was nothing left.

-It's gone, so I guess it's feeling much better!

-Perfect, so tomorrow you'll join your brother to train and I'll judge afterwards if you're capable of becoming a demon slayer.

She wanted to become stronger but she didn't want to hurt herself or suffer even if it was inevitable, you can't make an omelette without breaking an egg, and it wasn't a big deal, she'd heal, she was just dramatising the situation.

-I can't wait for tomorrow!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

passez un bonne fin de journée , a la prochaine !


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