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With these fine words, the next day arrived very quickly.

Shortly after breakfast, Urokodaki led Miyuki up the mountain.

-The instructions are simple: you have to get back down the mountain and to my house before midday.

He was just about to leave when Miyuki caught up with him:

-Wait! Could I have a stick or something?

The master didn't see how that could help Miyuki cheat, since, as a demon slayer, she'd have a real sword anyway. So Urokodaki lent her a wooden training sword, which wasn't capable of seriously injuring her.

-Thank you, Urokodaki! exclaimed the young girl.

But the old man had already disappeared.


According to what Tanjiro had told her, this mountain was riddled with traps.

She quickly realised this as she stepped on a trigger. Pieces of bamboo shot at her from all sides.

Miyuki closed her eyes, knowing she wouldn't be able to avoid the impact.

Oh, big brother, now I understand why you were so hurt when you came out of that mountain. It's not for normal people.

It was as if the scene was unfolding in slow motion, the bamboo getting closer and closer as Miyuki's body reacted on its own, in an instinct for survival.

-Blow of the sun, second movement: cloudless azure sky!

All the bamboo was cut down before it could reach the young girl.

Leaving her panting and shocked.

-What am I doing? Miyuki muttered. Will I be able to do it again?

She took a step forward and sighed:-I guess I'll just have to keep walking into traps to find out.

And the next one wasn't long in coming. A tree trunk slammed forward towards her.

But here too, Miyuki's body was on guard, instinctively knowing which technique to use.-Breath of the Sun, sixth move: Prophetic Solar Calcination.The trap, and those that followed, didn't last long.Which meant that the morning was only just beginning when Miyuki knocked on the door of Urokodaki's house, announcing in her lilting voice: "I'm back! and then laughing at the bewildered faces of her brother and his master (you could see it even with her mask over her face).


-So you're telling me that the reason you came down so quickly was because you used something called 'breath'. Is that right?-Miyuki replied, shaking her head.

-What breath? asked Urokodaki, in a tense voice.- The breath of the sun.Urokodaki stifled an expletive.

-Is something wrong? Tanjiro worried, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder.

-That's not what I mean. Normally, you learn to breathe, it's not something you're born with. What's more, the breath of the sun is also known as the original breath.It was the first breath to be created; all the others are mere derivations of it.As far as I know, there has only been one slayer using the breath of the sun, and he died over 500 years ago. After that, we don't know much about the breath of the sun, perhaps this particular breath is a birth gift. That's all I know.

Miyuki and Tanjiro looked at each other in amazement.

Urokodaki continued:- I think you're very talented Miyuki, you're probably a genius. I've got nothing to teach you, but I can help you handle your breath better.-Thank you so much! Miyuki exclaimed as she leapt to her feet.-And what about me? Tanjiro asked.

Urokodaki turned his head towards him.-You're going to suffer.


Tanjiro and Miyuki's training began the very next day.And Tanjiro spent the worst hours of his life; Urokodaki had, for example, pushed him into a waterfall or, during combat training, the master would hit his pupil very hard.

For Miyuki it was different, she was almost able to stand up to Urokodaki, despite being a former water hashira.

The ex-hashira felt that soon, the young girl would beat him. His guard and choice of techniques were perfect, all that remained was for him to perfect his techniques, increase his resistance to pain and fatigue, and improve his combat thinking.


The master of the young siblings had noticed something, or rather he could feel it.He realised that there was something different about these two youngsters.Perhaps they could unblock the situation that has been in place for hundreds of years?

Only time will tell. But the birth of a follower of the breath of the sun was something that hadn't happened for over 500 years. He was sure of two things:

-The Master would be very interested to know that someone had finally succeeded in mastering the original breath.

-Muzan Kibutsuji would be desperate to kill Miyuki.It had now been several months since the Kamado siblings had entered his life, and he had become attached to them.

Urokodaki didn't want to lose anyone else, especially not to the Demon King.


Here's the fifth chapter already! 😊 The sun breath is already present but I wanted to make it clear that Miyuki was a sword genius, Yoriichi's successor. As Miyuki is already there, Tanjiro won't be able to use the breath of the sun. By the way, if you want to know more about it, there's a special Sun Breath Wikipedia page.

Sorry if the names of the sun forms aren't the same as those in the manga or anime. As I'm French, I've seen and read Demon Slayer in French. So I've translated the techniques directly from the French names

That's it!🤗Elaine

Sun Breathing : First FormWhere stories live. Discover now