Escape the Maze!!

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"Our new adventure will be...ESCAPE THE MAZE!!" Caine shouted with glee. "You must work together with the Toontown folk in order to escape!"

Kinger: Mazes...that means we get lost!! I don't want to get lost!

Jax: Oh come can't be that bad.

Caine: And I forgot to mention...this is a CORN maze!!

Suddenly, everyone except the Toontown folk and Jax started to laugh. Jax has a horrified expression.

Bendy: Uh, what's with you and corn?

Caine: Well, we had done this adventure before...let's just say Jax is a little afraid of corn.

Bendy: Really?! But he's a rabbit!

Jax: What?! I am not afraid!! I'm just...surprised at everyone assuming that.

Caine: Anyways, Let's get this show on the road! Everyone into the corn maze!!

Henry immediately goes into the maze first. Then Alice, Ragatha and eventually Pomni go into the corn maze. Gangle is lead by Mickey and Oswald into the corn maze, feeling a little safe under their supervision. However, as Bendy and Boris are about to go in, Jax is hesitating.

Bendy: What's the matter, bunny? You a scaredy cat or what?

Jax: N-no! I-I'm just...trying to examine ways to get out...

Bendy and Boris sigh and grab Jax's arms. They drag him into the corn maze, with him kicking and screaming to get out.

Zooble: I'm not going.

Kinger: I need to stay in my impenetrable fortress!

Joey however, knocks Kinger's pillow fortress with ease.

Kinger: NOO!! My impenetrable fortress!!

Joey: Come on, old man. We need to get going! There's lots of fun in store!!

Joey eccentrically carried Kinger, who was shaking in his arms, and dashed into the corn maze. Only Zooble remained.

Zooble: %$@!# this adventure. I'm out.

Caine: Well, that's okay! Let's see what the others are up to!

Meanwhile, Jax, Bendy, and Boris are wandering in the corn maze.

Bendy: Ugh, this is taking FOREVER!!

Jax: Maybe I can jump out of here!

Jax readied himself, then jumped high into the air! Only to hit smack into an invisible ceiling. He fell down onto the ground with dust scattering all around him.

Jax: OH %$@!#, Caine! It's always having to be a fair game, isn't it?

Bendy: Hey! Boris, can you use your nose to sniff the exit out?

Boris: Sure! Follow me!!

Boris puts his noise into the ground and sniffed. His ears perked up and one of them pointed left.

Boris: That way!!

Bendy and Boris quickly left the area, leaving Jax behind.

Jax: Hey, guys!! Wait for me!!

He attempts to follow them, but soon loses track of where he is. Jax worriedly looks around, trying to find a way out.

Jax: Come on's not like they would leave you alone here...right?

But his smug exterior was starting to crack, and all the corn around him wasn't helping. Meanwhile, Gangle, Mickey, and Oswald were still walking through the maze.

Oswald: If my calculations are correct, we should be getting to the exit in about...ten and a half minutes.

Mickey: Good thing you brought your "Lucky Go Finder 2000", Oswald!!

Gangle: B-but what about m-my friends? *sniff*

Mickey: Don't worry! If we find them, we'll be there to help!!

Suddenly, Oswald bumps into Henry, who immediately screams.

Henry: AHHH!! Oh, it's just the rabbit. Alright, how am I going to get out of here.

Oswald: You could try coming with us. With the Lucky Go Finder 2000, we'd be out in a jiffy!

Henry: No thank you. I'm doing this the old fashioned way.

Suddenly, Bendy and Boris rush past them, Boris putting his nose into the ground and leading the way.

Bendy: Come on Boris!! We can do this!!

Henry: Good thinking, Bendy and Boris! *follows them*

Oswald: How did that man look with satisfaction with his devil son and his dog friend while he refused my help?!

Mickey: He's just old fashioned.

Back with Jax, his eyes are darting around, looking for some kind of exit as he runs, but all he can see is corn. CORN everywhere. It just reminded him too much He can't think of it.




Jax: I-it's better to be alone.

He trudged through the corn field, refusing to look at the walls in hopes of warding the unknown fear away. Jax was now trapped in a square of corn. He panicked, running around the maze in a desperate attempt to get out. But he couldn't. Corn was everywhere.

Jax closed his eyes and fell to the floor, crawling into a ball. He didn't care if he looked like a coward. Jax didn't want to be alone.

"Someone please find me," Jax spoke. But he hadn't noticed there was a green eye, staring at him through the shadows of the corn maze...

 But he hadn't noticed there was a green eye, staring at him through the shadows of the corn maze

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