Search for the Ferris Wheel

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Jax: So yeah. We're basically in a new universe right now. Caine says it's only going to be a month.

Hiyori: A new universe?! Well why didn't I get invited?!

Jax: You abstracted, remember?

Hiyori: Oh yeah. But I'm fine now! I can't wait to meet some new friends! And that Bendy guy!

Jax: Bendy's a copycat. A short, monochromatic pie eyed cat who's only job is to serve as a sidekick.

Hiyori: Jax, stop being a Jack[ERROR].

Jax: Hey why do you get the cool glitchy sounds while I have this %$@!#ing sound effects?!

Hiyori: Hey, maybe I'm just lucky.

The two kept bickering until they bumped into a wall.

Jax: Ow!! Hey...what is this? "Magical Playground"? That's a stupid name.

Hiyori: Maybe we can detour through here! Come on! To the Ferris Wheel!

Hiyori grabbed Jax's hand and ran into the Magical Playground building. Inside, they found what looked to be a ball pit, its plastic balls floating around outside of its pit. There was a slide that went up instead of down and there was a merry go round spinning clockwise.

Hiyori: This place is strange, but I've seen many things that were stranger.

Jax: You tell me...

The duo kept walking, finding more abnormalities throughout the playground. The more they walked, the more Jax wondered...what exactly was this place that Pomni had fallen through? And will they ever find her and Ragatha?

Suddenly, the two heard a horrifying screeching noise coming from behind.

Hiyori: Jax, is that you?

Jax: N-no it wasn't!

They slowly turned around...seeing a monstrous creature. It looked like a huge, vicious tiger with a leech's mouth for a face. Its stripes were glowing a deadly purple and purple ooze was dripping down its mouth. Jax and Hiyori cringed at the sight.

Hiyori: So you think we should run?

Jax: No time! JUST RUN!!

The two immediately ran, screaming as the creature screeched after them.

Ragatha: I really hope Jax is okay. And Hiyori too.

Pomni: Ragatha...did you know about Hiyori and Jax? Hiyori told me that she and Jax were on pretty good terms before she abstracted.

Ragatha: The two were the same age and had a few similar traits, so it was bound to get along well. Hiyori appeared in the Amazing Digital Circus when she was twenty, and she and Jax were the same age back then. But five years ago, Jax arrived there. And he was only seventeen.

Pomni: Seventeen?! So he was a minor?!

Ragatha: Yes...that probably explained his mischievous behavior, which was probably further twisted by losing some of his friends to abstraction...including Hiyori.

Pomni: Wow...and I'm twenty five.

Ragatha: I tried to help him. I tried to make him better, to show that he can't simply live life here by hiding under that smug, selfish mask. But he just can't listen. The only time he ever managed to break the spell was when Hiyori was there, if only for a little bit.

Pomni: But now that Hiyori's back, could Jax really change for the better?

Ragatha: To be's been two years without her. Perhaps he's given up hope that he can change. But I'll keep trying to ease his suffering. No matter what.

Pomni: You don't have to-

Ragatha: I have to. I don't want to fail another person again. Not like Kaufmo.

Pomni looked down. Of course Ragatha can be a little stubborn at times, but considering how she had seen many friends abstract over the years, Pomni wouldn't blame her. The rag doll and jester finally made it to the Ferris Wheel.

Ragatha: We did it! But where's Jax and Hiyori?

Suddenly, they heard screams of terror. The two turned to see Hiyori and Jax being chased by a beast. It didn't look like an abstracted, but it was as big as one.

Instinctively, Pomni grabbed Ragatha and hid just as Jax and Hiyori ran straight to the Ferris Wheel. The two suddenly phased through it and disappeared! But the tiger was not as lucky. It bumped into the Ferris Wheel, which survived the impact with no scratches. The tiger clawed at it for a while, attempting to get the two. But it eventually got tired and crawled off.

Pomni: Now's our chance. Come on Ragatha!!

Ragatha: O-okay...Jax and Hiyori made it, right?

Pomni: Yes they did. Now it's our turn!

And without hesitation, Pomni and Ragatha jumped into the Ferris Wheel, phasing through and disappearing.

Caine looked at his watch. "It's been five minutes. Where did they go?!"

Suddenly, four familiar figures appeared. Pomni was dazed from the journey and immediately vomited. Ragatha simply stood, a little confused but happy to be back.

Caine: Oh my! Cleanup on the Grounds!!

Bubble: On it Boss!! *starts to lick the vomit up*

Caine:...Why are you like this?

Jax panted, dusting himself off. For once, he was relieved to be at the Amazing Digital Circus. He once again regained his egotistical persona and went back to being a jerk.

Jax: Well that was quite the adventure.

Hiyori: It sure was!!

It wasn't long before everyone slowly took notice of the new character.

Bendy: Hey, is that another "NPC" that Caine had spawned or is she one of you?

Gangle: H-Hiyori? *hiccups* Is that you?

Kinger: Oh, hello Hiyori! Haven't seen you for a while. *completely oblivious to the fact that she had abstracted*

Caine: My my!! It appears our dear Hiyori has come back from the brink of Abstraction! This has never happened before but we will be happy to have her back!

Zooble: Interesting. Now the bubbly, green haired brat is back. Talk about %$@!#.

Hiyori: Of course it is me!! I missed this place. So what have you all been doing since I was gone? And Gangle, did Jax break your comedy mask again?

Gangle: N...No. I...I tripped...!

Hiyori: Alrighty then. *to Jax* At least I don't have to punish you.

Jax: *shrugs* Whatever. Anyways I'm going to go to my room. *walks off but Hiyori grabs him*

Hiyori: Nope! You're going to join us in my Welcome Back Party!!

Caine: Our dear Hiyori is right! Let's celebrate the return of our old friend as the reward for our adventure!

Jax: I ain't going to be joining some party hosted by Mouthface.

Hiyori: There's Spaghetti.

Jax: Okay, I'm in.

Caine: But first, let's fix that glitching that you have, Hiyori! *snaps his fingers and Hiyori's body is seemingly stabilized, but it suddenly glitches again* Huh?! *snaps his fingers again and again, making Hiyori stabilized but each time still causes her to glitch out once again* This can't be happening...she should be fixed by now!

Hiyori: I'm fine, Caine. It doesn't hurt.

Caine: But...will you be able to deal with this glitching for the rest of your life?

Hiyori: As long as it doesn't hurt anyone around me nor hurt me, it's fine!

Caine: Alrighty then! Let's go celebrate our friend's return!

But as everyone began to go into the Tent, Jax is seen having a worried, concerned look. Will Hiyori truly be okay after this?

The Amazing Digital Circus: Dawn Of The VirusWhere stories live. Discover now