What is this place?!

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Pomni screamed, falling through the blue sky. She had fallen many times during certain adventures, but Caine or someone had managed to catch her. But this fall, she doubted that anyone could catch her. She closed her eyes, waiting for the end. Perhaps she might survive, or if she didn't...well at least it will be quick.

That question was answered when Pomni suddenly felt the impact. It felt oddly soft, as though she landed in Kinger's pillow fort. When she opened her eyes, Pomni was surprised to find she actually landed in a pillow fort. Though thankfully, no one was in it, just Pomni.

Pomni stood up and examined her surroundings. It was so...strange. There was a carousel, but it was upside down and going backwards. There was also a hotdog stand, but it was textureless, having a purple and black checkered pattern on its entire exterior. The place reminded her of the Grounds, but if it was more glitched and distorted. For once, Pomni actually wanted to go back to the Amazing Digital Circus. At least she wouldn't be alone.

Pomni: What is this place?!

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Pomni: What is this place?!

Pomni began to explore, finding that many of the attractions at this cursed carnival were bugged and glitched. However, it didn't seem to affect Pomni with glitches when she touched them.

Pomni: Huh.

She kept walking through the carnival, finding more errors and distortions around her. It seemed there was no one around this place. The place seemed abandoned and empty. Despite this, Pomni attempted to call out for anyone, hoping there was an NPC.

Pomni: N-hello? Where am I?! Is anyone there?!

Suddenly, she heard something skittering toward her. Pomni turned around, hoping to at least see someone. But it was not what she expected it to be. It was some kind of bug, glowing a sickly cyan color. Presumably a beetle or something. Was this a pet or was this some kind of creature?

Pomni: H-hey little guy...what exactly are you?

Before she could even react, the bug screeched before running away. Pomni shuddered before backing in the other direction.

Pomni: Well...I better find a way out of here.

Pomni kept walking, but heard more noises. They sounded like a horde of bugs crawling toward her. Pomni's curiosity got the better of her and she looked back to see more of those neon bugs, all in one group. There were more colors than cyan, pink, yellow, green...and some bugs were much bigger than the others.

Pomni: Umm...goodbye...! *Runs off*

Pomni screamed as the horde of bugs chased her. This was more intense than the time Kaufmo had abstracted. Sure, there was only one of him, but this...this was an entire army!!

The more bugs there were, it seemed Pomni had lesser ways of evading these things. She jumped through the textureless hot dog stand, which was soon crushed by the bugs in seconds. Pomni was running out of time. Whatever these bugs were, they were presumably intent on eating her alive or worse!

Suddenly, Pomni felt someone grab her shoulder. "Come on!!" She saw a door momentarily shut as she was dragged inside some kind of house. Pomni landed on the floor, startled.

It looked a little glitchy, but not as much as the attractions outside. There was a mirror, a little cracked by the time Pomni came in there. There was a box full of plushies resembling Jax there. Who knew Caine was selling merchandise? A makeshift cot was also in the house, with a Jax plushie sitting quietly on top of it.

Pomni: Wh...what is this place?

???: Hello! Hello! Did you have fun escaping that horde, newbie?!

Pomni suddenly turned around and saw someone as short as her. It was a pale girl with pigtails, wearing neon purple bows in her neon green hair. She wore a nice, goofy outfit the same color as her bows. The girl looked almost like a human being...except for her eyes. One of them was black instead of white, glowing green
and a diamond as its pupil. The other was neon purple, with the same diamond pupil on it.

 The other was neon purple, with the same diamond pupil on it

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???: How are you? Was that fun?!

Pomni: No it wasn't! I almost got eaten alive! And...who exactly are you?

???: Oh me? My name is...HIYORI!! Nice to meet you, newbie!

Pomni: My name's Pomni...are you an NPC, or...?

Hiyori: An NPC? I am NO [ERROR] NPC Pom-Pom! I am a human being, just like you!

Pomni: B...But how? I've only seen 5 other humans in the Amazing Digital Circus.

Hiyori: Did you say five? There was probably seven of us! What happened?

Pomni: Well...this guy named Kaufmo got abstracted when I came there...

Hiyori: KAUFMO GOT ABSTRACTED?! Why didn't anyone tell me?!

Pomni: Probably because you've been here too long?

Hiyori: Aww, I knew it was going to happen, but right when you were going to meet him?! That's horrible! His jokes were so funny!

Pomni:...Yeah. Anyways, why hasn't anyone tell me about you? And what is this place?

Hiyori: Well, to be honest, I don't think they know I'm here. They might've thought I've abstracted...or was I abstracted when I got here? Don't really remember.

Pomni: Excuse me, but can you tell me what exactly is this place?!

Hiyori: Oh yes! Have you seen the sign that says, "Carnival"?! I believe this is a carnival!

Pomni: But it's all glitchy and the only creatures I've seen here are those...bug thingies.

Hiyori: Oh the bugs...so annoying. They practically attempt to eat everything in sight, or in some cases, glitch things. But they're easy to get rid of. Hit them with something and they'll explode into pixels!!

Pomni: I really want to get out of here...

Hiyori: Get out of here?! Why didn't you say so?! The exit is right through the Ferris wheel!!

Pomni: Really?!

Hiyori: Yep! Just jump into its center and it will teleport you back. Though, I've only seen posters showing that it is an exit.

Pomni: Well what are we waiting for! Let's get out of here!

Hiyori: Nuh uh! Those pesky bugs are scrambling around this place. But here's a little something to help you out...*gives Pomni a knife*

Pomni: Whoa...the only knives I've been seeing is the ones Caine used to...never mind.

Hiyori: And I'll use my handy dandy wand!

She pulls out a long stick with diamonds on one end, glowing a neon purple color.

Pomni: O-okay...let's do this.

The Amazing Digital Circus: Dawn Of The VirusWhere stories live. Discover now