Follow the Rabbit

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Kinger walked through the woods, looking for bugs. Of course, he needed to find them for his insect collection!

If he didn't, Queenie would kill him!

Wait...Queenie was abstracted.


But wait, Queenie might come back! If he collected enough bugs surely she'd show up.

Maybe he could find a butterfly. A beautiful, colorful butterfly that's-

His insane thoughts were interrupted by a twig snapping.

"AHHHHH!!" Kinger screamed, shaking violently.

But to his relief, he found Jax behind him. At least it wasn't an abstracted or A GIANT WORM.

 At least it wasn't an abstracted or A GIANT WORM

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"Oh, Jax!! You startled me!"

Kinger said, relieved. He noticed Jax was wearing odd glowing sunglasses. But wasn't it noon already?

Silly Rabbit!! Jax must be playing pretend again.

"How do you know my name?" Jax said in a rude and emotionless tone. Kinger was a little surprised. While Jax was sarcastic sometimes, he sounded very odd now.

But he had to be pretending, right?


"Jax, it's me! Kinger, your friend!!"

"I am not friends with a crazy wooden chess piece with eyes and a smelly purple robe. And you're coming with me."

"Okay Jax!" Kinger said, still thinking this entire thing was just a game. Jax began to walk away, with Kinger skittering behind him.


"Where is Jax?"

Hiyori asked, feeling concerned. "He went into the Toontown woods." Zooble remarked, rolling their eyes. "Probably trying to get away from it all."

"Well we should go find him! Us twenty twos have to stick together!!"

"Really? Is that what you decided to name our group?"

"Well, duh! The three of us are twenty two years old!"

"Yeah right. And I'm 5 months older than you."

"Let's go, let's go!!"

Hiyori grabbed Zooble's arm, yanking it off.

"HEY!! Get back here!!"

Zooble chases after Hiyori, almost tripping all the way.


"Jax? Jax where are you?!" Hiyori yelled, her voice echoing throughout the forest. Zooble didn't do the same thing, instead just looking around.

"He's supposed to be here."

"What if he just went back?"

And then there was a loud scream. A scream that two knew all too well.

"Kinger!! We gotta help him!"

"Maybe he's just freaking out again."

"Come on!!"

Hiyori and Zooble ran to the scene, finding Kinger trapped in some kind of glowing net.

"What this part of Caine's adventure?"

"It's only 1. He said it's going to be in the Late Afternoon."

"Well we got to help him!!"

"Is this some kind of net?" Kinger asked. "Am I a bug?!"

Hiyori went and got the net off of Kinger.

"You're not a bug, silly!! Anyways, who exactly put you in here?"

"Well, I have no idea! I must've blocked out what happened!! Anyways, I'm going to go back to the Tent to check on my Insect Collection!"

And Kinger ran away. Hiyori sighed and looked back at Zooble.

"We better tell Caine about this. This probably never happened before."

"How do you know that the big old dentures would believe us?"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Zooble's leg, and pulled it off. They fell onto the floor, having lost their balance.

"WHAT THE #%$@?! Who took my leg?!"

"It wasn't me!!"

"So...which one of you should I kidnap? Triange head made of legos or weird anime #%*&@ who's bright colors hurt my eyes?"

The two then saw Jax, who looked a little odd. He was wearing cheap plastic sunglasses that seemed to be glowing in the dark and wore a blackened and more punky version of his overalls and gloves.

 He was wearing cheap plastic sunglasses that seemed to be glowing in the dark and wore a blackened and more punky version of his overalls and gloves

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"Jax?! What on earth happened to you?!"

"Again with strangers knowing my name?! I must be famous here!"

"Jax, It's me Hiyori! Why don't you recognize me?!"

"Hiyori who?!"

"We're the bestest friends in the whole world!!"

"Enough of this nonsensical bull#%*@!! Let me capture you for the boss!!"

"Boss?! Who is the boss-"

Jax suddenly pulled out another one of those glowing nets and threw it. Hiyori immediately dodged it in time.


"I can't run! He's got my leg!!" Zooble screamed.

Jax smirked before throwing the leg onto the ground next to Zooble.

"Well, just to make this a fair and fun chase I'll give it back. You have five seconds."

Zooble quickly put it on and began to run. Jax laughed evilly as he looked up at the moon.

"This will be fun..."

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