painful truth

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Update here!

Namjoon's pov:

After receiving the brain shutting shock from jungkook I returned to my office feeling frustrated to the edge. I gripped the edge of my office table and replayed everything jungkook just said. 

What am I supposed to do? I don't want to lose this chance or else I won't be able to see taehyung ever again and I know very well that jk will never let me meet him after this.

Ughh!!!! Why everything is messing up so much. I ran fingers through my hair biting my lips. 

"Arrhhhh!" I shouted in frustration and threw everything lying on the table with sliding my hands through all the files and papers. 

Because of the noise, my secretary came in and saw a mess on the floor.

"Sir are you okay?" She asked concernedly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Clean this mess and I'm going home." I said sternly.

"Okay, sir." She mumbled in low voice afraid of my anger.

I left the office. I started driving to the red mansion. I have to tell hobi about everything so I called him.

*Few rings later*

'Hello, namjoon?'

"Hoseok. Listen to me. We got a problem."

'what kind of problem?' hoseok panicked.

"Jungkook is taking taehyung to his home and he gave me 24 hours to think about the decision of meeting taehyung. After that, I won't be able to see him." 

'What! Is he nuts?'

"I don't know hoseok. We have to do something. I want to meet you. I am on my way to the red house."

'Don't come here. I'll meet you at our usual place.'

"Okay. Come fast."


With that, he disconnected the call and I drove to the bar Which is closed right now but not for us as hobi owned it.

I reached first and entered in. His manager greeted me and saw me the way inside. The manager turned on the lights for me guiding me towards the couches. I sat there admiring the structure of bar. Hobi really has good taste.

The manager gave me a drink and left saying his boss will be here in few minutes. I gulped the drink in one go and let the burning sensation ease my stress. 

Soon hobi came and settled in front of me.

"What is wrong with jungkook dude. Why is he acting like a maniac." Hoseok let out.

"I don't know hoseok but tell me what should I do? This whole thing is making me crazy! I don't know what to do." 

"Relax namjoon. This is not the time to stress over. You know jk is sure of  his words if he gave you one last chance then he will really not let you see taehyung again." Hoseok implied.

"I know...I know that hobi but my mind is not working right now. He just blasted the bomb on my head out of nowhere." I said feeling frustrated.

"I understand your situation joon and don't worry I have a good plan for this."

"What plan?" 

"Okay listen here,...."

And then hobi explained the whole plan to me and I agreed with it.

[A/N: the author will keep it suspense ;)...*gets kicked by the readers for late updates* (TT)]



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