pain of betrayal

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Jungkook's pov:

I am not ready to face my petal but now, I can't turn back the time... I wish I can, then I would have approached my princess in another way maybe the situation would have been different than now. I took a deep breath to calm down my thoughts as they keep giving me agonizing flashbacks of my deeds. My chest tightens and aches painfully whenever I feel the remorse of my actions. 

When did I become this heartless? I questioned myself turning the pages of my life, peeking in the past when I used to be friendly and warm. I never thought that I would become a monster someday and will hurt my first love. Yes, tae is my first love. I've never been in love before hell, I didn't even have any experience of relationships, feelings and emotions kinds of stuff. I built a strong wall outside of my heart so, no one can enter so I won't feel anything for anyone. that's what I used to thought but after I felt attachment with tae, everything changed. The walls I've built broke down piece by piece whenever he looked at me with those teary almond-shaped eyes, whenever his warmth made contact with my skin, whenever our lips connected... He broke the wall that I have maintained for years.

I still remember the day when he first time called me by my name. Believe me, I never loved my name this much before I heard him calling me. I want him to keep calling me, only me.

But I've ruined everything even before I can give my love the happiness which he deserves more than anyone in this world, I destroyed it.

tae I'm sorry... I know I've ruined your life but from now on I'll change, I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness. I won't give up on you... Not after discovering my feelings for you.

People say 'if you love someone, let them go...set them free, wish them happiness because the only thing you want for them is to be happy, even if it's not with you. Even if you won't be the reason for their smile anymore.'

But forgive me taehyung...I love you little too much to let you go. I'm not giving up on us. even when I know there's no 'US' but I'll still do it because I just realized that I can't live without you anymore. You're the only one who can keep me sane.

I decided to go outside and face tae. I know it's going to be a hard journey but I'll still accomplish it. I opened the door and footed outside only to uncover empty silence. I walked to the bedroom and peeped inside through the crack of the door. My eyes caught a sleeping figure over the bed rolled in a blanket. I grinned slowly tip-toeing inside making my way to the small figure. He seems exhausted so I agreed on not to bother him but I remembered that he didn't have his breakfast or lunch. He must be hungry so I exited the room and ordered bodyguards to cook something quickly.

I came back to the room gently tapping over my baby's bread cheeks. I wanna squeeze his cheeks so bad. I removed few strands from his forehead before leaving trails of chaste kisses to his jawline.

"Hey, petal... It's time to wake up." I whispered gently shaking him from his shoulder.

He whined squirming tiredly under the sheets before opening a single eye.

His eyes opened wide after noticing my presence close to him. The next move of his made my heart crushed into tiny pieces as He abruptly sat up, crawling to another side of the bed. 

"Babe please don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you, I am just waking you up so you can eat something." I recited in a soothing voice not wanting to trigger my princess.

"I don't want to eat anything." He refused looking away.

"But peaches, you haven't eaten anything since the last night. You'll get sick if you don't eat baby." I tried to persuade him but his expression shifted from fear to anger.

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