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"You believe I'm a good boss?"

"I believe that you care more than what you let on."

"That didn't answer my question."

"You care more than what you let on so yes, I believe that makes you a good boss."

"Most people believe I'm just an arrogant ceo."

"Why do they think that?"

"Those people work for me, they know me."

"They clearly don't know you enough, you don't act like that toward-."

"Did you choose these questions?" Onika cut her off, staring beyonce up and down. She loosened her tie with a low sigh. Drink in hand, one leg planted over the other.

She might've over stepped a few boundaries with her questions. But she just couldn't lead herself away. She wanted to peer inside of Onika's brain and truly understand why she acted the way she did.

She cared a lot, she was an amazing boss. But for some reason toward everyone else she was cruel. Cold, selfish, even to her own wife. She didn't seem to have a care in the world. So why did she care about Beyoncé in the smallest ways?

"N-no," She confessed, she took to the internet searching for questions. She knew the questions she had needed to be scrapped. They were more personal, less business.

"What questions do you, have Beyoncé?"

"I- I don't have any- well- these are the questions-I I have." She found herself stuttering often now. Once the wine entered her system that professional wall she put up crumbled in an instant.

"Not much of a drinker Ms.Knowles?" Beyoncé drunk quite often when she was stressed. But this, the wine felt like Molly and she couldn't focus. She was so nervous, that mixed with the wine didn't help a thing.

"I drink, I swear I do im just nervous." She confessed rubbing her sweaty hands down her dress.

"Why? Is this nerve racking to you? We can go somewhere else, change the setting?"

"N-no it's fine."

"Let's go." Onika stood without another thought. She threw some cash on the table. That seemed like something she did quite often.

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