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Onika sat next to her wife at the restaurant table. Her family taking up all of the seats as they dined. Ricki, Donovan, Brent, Lauren, and Ryan at the table as well. Onika had a feeling this would be the very last time they all were within the same vicinity.

Every single one of them hated her for some reason. She didn't blame them, she hated herself sometimes. She let out a sigh as she crossed her legs, smoothing out her black tuxedo pants. She was quiet as her family immersed in conversation.

Her brain was clouded like always, for many different reasons. The long night of love making she went through with her wife clouding her brain. She followed her father's orders, making India fall back in love using her dick. It wasn't one of onika's best moments but she had no choice.

During majority of the time she spent indulging in her wife's body. Her mind always went back to its one true source. Beyoncé that girl clouded onika's mind like the damn plague. She just couldn't get rid of her no matter how hard she tried.

It was impossible.

A small sigh left her mouth as she rested her head against her palm. Her eyes trailing down the table toward Ryan. That poor girl was going to quit soon, as much as Ricki spoke about onika not being loyal. She wasn't either, it was like the pot calling the kettle black. Ricki would not leave Rihanna's side for nothing under the sun. She fully distanced herself from Ryan and it was actually sad.

Onika's eyes slid from Ryan to Lauren. Her and Donovan had been arguing more often. Lauren was Onika's best friend. But In this moment they were more like enemies. Lauren couldn't believe the decisions Onika had made. She was sick to her stomach. And of course anything his older sister did Donovan followed suit with.

So Lauren was upset that Donovan didn't or even really tried to hold onika accountable.

Onika's eyes then drifted to Brent. She was going to let him go and handle things on her own. He deserved a much needed vacation it was evident in his eyes. It became apparent that she overworked him. She wanted to make up for the things she might've inflicted and let him live.

Another sigh left the woman's mouth. The more she thought the more employees she would have to replace. Ryan, Jay, Brent, Beyoncé, the clock was ticking down. Her father wedging himself into her mind again. Onika was back to the business and the business only. She had zero time to mess around like she had been doing.

Beyoncé was an amazing experience, she was the perfect person. But with the way things were going, onika's pretty girl showed no signs of coming back.
Onika made countless plans in her mind, she imagined funding Beyoncés whole life. Sending her to an island, allowing her some peace.

Maybe sending her back to Houston? It's definitely beautiful around this time of year. Onika was willing to do anything just to know Beyoncé was okay. She just wanted any sign that she was alive and well. But each time she tried she came up short. The woman was genuinely missing and it hurt her heart.

Another deep sigh leaving onika.

"Baby are you okay?" India whispered, onika glanced
over nodding her head.

"I'm alright, just thinking." She reached out her hand, clasping them with Indias. Her wife's smile grew wide as she kissed their hands.

"So, onika what're you plans when you go back home?" Onika's eyes dragged as she looked up at her father. Swallowing as they locked eyes.

"My plan is to maintain the success of my company. Whilst taking care of my wife, and providing for my family." With that answer her father's sinister smile grew wide.

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