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play some dark music.


The streets were dark, the street lights illuminating the path of the road. Little to no cars occupying it as the black McClaren cruised. The pretty stars in the sky shining as a foot was pressed on the gas pedal. 80 in a 45, the Maraj had zero care as she sped up.

Her jaw was clenched as she drove. Her mind set on one location, and one location only. She left the Guerra estate, glancing at the clock. It read 3:25 in the morning. A sigh leaving her lips as she navigated her gaze toward the exit of the highway.

Hardly slowing down as she took a sharp turn. She could see the big red building at the end of the road. The only place within the city that was still bustling with bodies. The Maraj parked, little to no disregard for her phone. Leaving it on her leather seats as she fixed her tie pushing the door open.

She was met with the aroma of alcohol. Her eyes scanning over the club. Her nostrils flared as she watched the men and woman dance. This reminded her of the club she'd argued with Beyoncé in. With a huff she fixed her suit heading toward the bar.

"Whiskey." The bartender nodding making her a glass of whiskey. Onika turned her back on the man, still glancing around the club.

She searched around until her eyes landed on a door. The bright red light shining from underneath it, onika bit her lip downing her whiskey. Signaling for another shot as she stared.

She hadn't been in the back area for years. She left that life, that way of coping behind. But the way things were going, she couldn't help but fantasize about it. She was itching to knock on the door three times and revisit her past self.

Turning back around in her seat away from the door. She drummed her fingers along the bar top. Her foot tapping as well to the trap music in the background. Maybe she should've stayed in bed with India, but it was very difficult. For some reason it was way harder than before.

She didn't know why she was here— she didn't enjoy clubs anymore. But she couldn't find herself to sleep next to her wife for the life of her. She tried so hard, but India didn't feel like her. India didn't speak like her, India wasn't her.Onika didn't think a few days with Beyoncé could affect her like this.

But it did.

"Cosmopolitan." An all too familiar voice spoke.

"You still drink those?" Onika scoffed, leaning forward in her seat as she held her glass. Sipping from it as she squinted at the woman standing next to her.

"Onika, I was wondering how long it was going to take before you came here. Not long huh." She chuckled taking a seat next to the jet.

"I'm sure it's been boring without me." Onika muttered, her eyes taking over Sofia.

The pale skinned woman sipped her drink. Her slender body on display from the thin dress she wore. Her chestnut eyes scanning over Onika as well. They hadn't seen each other in— a minute. Not like this anyway.

Onika found herself staring at the woman, watching as her thick eye lashes batted. Her dull blonde hair up in a pony tail as if she knew what Onika liked— which she did.

"Boring? I'm not so sure about that one. Me and the twins have been having fun without you." Sofia shrugged, a faint grin on her face as she watched Onika sit her glass down.

"Fun?" The blonde nodded swirling her tiny straw in her glass.

"Uh huh. Wanna watch?" Onika shook her head. She was just here for a drink— that's it— a drink.

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