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I get back to the restaurant, almost running. All I want is to get as far as I can from all I've just seen. As I get back I start thinking about what I should do. Should I tell everything to Ace? Call the police?

My worry and thoughts must be showing on my face because as soon as I get in Ace notices.

"Is everything ok?" He asks. "You look like you've seen a ghost" In his joke there's a hint of worry.

"Well maybe I did" I say before throwing myself on a chair and resting my head on my hands.

"What do you mean?"

"You know the creepy man? Well... the house he sent me in, his wife.."


"SHHHHHHHH! Are you dumb they could hear you!"

"They who? The chef? He's a crackhead, he doesn't even know he works here" He's the only one who could joke about that.

"Wait so you found her dead?"

"Yes" His joking face turns into one of worry.

"Well we need to call the police, and tell the Boss, now!" He gets up and starts walking towards Carl's office, but I grab him by the arm and block him.

"No! Don't! I have a feeling we shouldn't tell him."

"Oh the same feeling that made you go there uh?"

I hate how he's right, but I really feel like the Boss can't find out we know about the dead woman.

"Please, you need to trust me"

"I do, but you do realize the killer would have still been there. What if you got killed?"

"I think the Boss might have something to do with this"

"What? Carl? Even if he was involved, you could get in trouble for hiding it. I'll go tell the Boss".

This time I don't stop him, I just look at him as he leaves the room. I've never seen him so serious and so in control of the situation, I'm so used to him being such an idiot.

Ace comes back with the Boss and by their serious faces I can tell he already knows everything.

"Look, Riley... we're not gonna call the police. I understand it's a serious matter, but it would be terrible advertisement for the diner if the police got here, you get that, right?"


"I'm sure you understand."

"Understand? A woman died!" Ace loses his temper at the Boss's words.

Instead of answering, the Boss pulls out a phone and dials a number. He stares at me as he talks on the phone in a low voice so that we can't hear, but I can tell it's an informal conversation because he chuckles and jokes around, perhaps with someone he knows well.

I turn to Ace and whisper in his ear "Please don't argue with anything he says".

"So?" He asks with an interrogating tone, If only he could listen to me.

"You two, listen to me very carefully. If you tell anyone about what happened tonight you'll regret it, trust me. Understand?"

"Boss we-"

"Shut up Ace, this topic is closed" I'm shocked, he had never yelled at Ace before, he loved him. I can see how upset Ace is and I feel terrible because it's my fault.

The Boss walks out and we both stay silent but I can feel that Ace is boiling inside. When he closes the door behind him shut I breathe a sigh of relief almost as I had held my breath in his presence.

I am scared.

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