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Amber Monroe

I was about to go to the paddock, an hour later than Lando, so the media wouldn't pick on us that fast. The RedBull team also asked me to edit some photos of Max for this weekend and I was happy to say yes.
It would be nice to work a bit and put my mind on off.

I enter the paddock, scanning the pass Lando gave me yesterday when we came into the hotel and walked straight to the RedBull garage, sending Lando a quick message so he'll know where I am.

"Hey!" I smile when I see Daniel standing in front of the garage.
"Hi, what're you doing here?" he furrows his brows, but still looks completely relaxed.
"I came with Lando if that makes sense." I say Lando's name a bit quieter than everything else, not wanting people to hear me.

He then shows me around the garage and leads me to the place I'll work at. It's a small office with two computers each sitting on their desk.

I decide to sit behind the left one, it looked more cozy.


Quali was about to start in an hour and I just ended working, so I thought it would be a good idea to text Lan if we could meet up at his garage or if he's on for a coffee. 

It was weird for him to not answer in the next five minutes, but I shrugged it off and went to get a pink lemonade myself.

Lando Norris

I was on my way to the RedBull's garage to say hi to Max, Daniel and of course Amber.

A blonde guy, a bit shorter than me bumped into me and instead of him, I said sorry.
"So you're Norris, huh? Stay the fuck away from Amber mate." he made fun of my British slang. I was confused as hell to what was happening right now; I don't even know the guy.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I make sure to be polite, because maybe it's her brother that I don't know of or something.

"She used to be fucking mine!" he screamed at me after pulling me into a quiet corner nobody could hear the noise.
It all came to me in a second. That was the controlling, toxic ex we were talking about the other day.
"Well, she's mine now." I say with anger lacing my voice.

I had to find Amber as soon as possible to warn her he's here.

Amber Monroe

I tried calling Lando once again and he finally answered. He asked me where I was and told me that he needed to speak to me immediately.

We met in the cafeteria I was chilling in. All nervous, he sat down and fiddled with his fingers, obviously not knowing how to tell me whatever just happened.

"Your ex is here, Berry." he said sternly, but not too loud obviously not wanting others in our business.
My heart dropped and my breath stopped. What? How did he even find out where I was?!
"Shit." was the only word spoken for a while.


Sitting in Lando's driver's room waiting for him to say goodbye to me after he's done with warming up.

I was just scrolling through Instagram and liking some reels to make time go by quicker. I would watch TikTok but it burns my battery way sooner.

After about five minutes Lando came to peck my lips and say goodbye, while I told him to be safe and that I'm wearing the lucky bracelet for him.


Lando qualified P13 and I saw him stomp out of the car on the big screen. He could've finished at least P4 if Perez didn't crash into his right front wing in lap 46, which made him pit and lost a lot of time.

He came straight to the garage and barged into his driver's room where I was waiting for him. Closing the door right behind him, he basically crashed with the floor, putting his head onto his arms sniffling softly.

My baby was crying.

I stood up from the sofa and walked to him, embracing his sweaty body. His arms clasped around me and my shirt was wet immediately.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm so proud of you." I sush him down, I wanted to hurt anyone who hurt him.
"I'm such a failure." my shirt was basically drenched till then.

I cup his cheeks and pull his head up to look at me a bit aggressively after hearing how he talks about himself, then started to talk.
"If I ever hear you say that about yourself one more time, I'll end you. Do you hear me?" I chuckle at the end, to ease out the tension.
He sniffled again and chuckled too before hugging me again.

"I think I love you, Amber."


what do you think?

sorry for any mistakes im so fucking tired and im going to Bosna tomorrow hehe

love ya'll xxx

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