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Amber Monroe

Pietra was drunk while I was just a little tipsy and really didn't have a problem with that. I like drunk Pietra, she's so fun, also more comfortable in her own body. We were dancing and another hit started playing, the mixes were actually really good.

I checked if maybe Lando was shuffling the music, but looked down disappointed when saw a random man with headphones and sunglasses on.
I heard laughter from behind, so I turned to see who the fuck laughs like a damn monkey in a club just to see Lando sat on a chair drinking vodka with Max Fewtrell.
All these bars and they chose this one?

I tapped on her shoulder P and showed her the two people joking and she stood still while rolling her eyes. She was pissed at Max about something, i'm not sure what, I think it was about his family.
She pulled my arm and lead me to them.

"Max I hate your father, he treats me like i'm some piece of shit who uses you for your money. And you don't even stand up for me! Fucking bastard!" she screamed through the loud music and a few people close to us looked in out direction, but didn't care.
"Babe, you're so drunk. Please stop, you'll say something you'll regret." Max calmed her and she just bursts into tears.
Girl was so wasted it wasn't even funny.

I felt his eyes lingering up and down my body, I saw his hands twitch like he wanted to touch me, but knew he can't.
"What are you looking at, douche?!" I shove his shoulder and he looked taken aback from the sudden outburst.
"You know what Lando? I'm done with you. Go fuck the girls in the club, you're used to that anyway." I slur into his face.

I wasn't only tipsy anymore, I was drunk too. The deadly, pink punches I was drinking on the dance floor weren't a good idea.
"Amber what are you talking about? You didn't let me explain what actually happened that night!" he said calmly, but I saw he was holding in anger, he knew I was drunk.

"Why should I? You made out with another girl, when you didn't see me for a few days!" tears started filling up my eyes, it was hard to see straight, everything was blurry.
"I pushed her off!" he now yelled and that was it for me. He cheats and then shouts at me?

"You know what," I calm down my nerves and I was dead serious right now "Sometimes you've got to be your own hero and save your own heart, because the people you can't live without, can live without you." I closed my eyes and touched P on the shoulder for our cue to leave, but she said she'll stay here.

I sighed an "oh" and walked away, but I heard Lando shouting "What did you mean with that, Bery?" I didn't turn around or try answering him.
My head was spinning and the security guard called me a taxi to drive me home.

The smell of fresh air made me breathe in, to fulfil my lungs after a long time on the dance floor around all the sweaty people.

Once I got home, I undressed and got straight into bed, not bothering to shower or take my makeup off. I fucked up taking this job, but it's consequences to my own actions and not thinking it through.
I guess I just didn't think Lando would cheat on me.


I woke up with a bad headache, and my eyes were hurting from the sunlight shining onto me. It was getting warmer every day, the summer was near and the Sun was rising sooner.

Tomorrow was the flight to Japan and i'm not keen on seeing Lando, I don't even remember what he
told me yesterday. Probably didn't say a word, because he knew he fucked up.

I took the phone from the other side of my bed where I apparently left it yesterday. There was bazillion of messages from Lando and Max F., even Daniel texted me a few times. I wasn't bothered with that, so I just opened Instagram and scrolled until I found a video of yesterday's night in the club.
Of course there was someone to record it.

The comments were a mess, there was a thousand of different assumptions of what it could be, bot only a few actually knew what happened and I realised the video of Lando's kiss was somewhere on the internet too and for the first time, I didn't have the urge to search for it. I knew what happened, I don't need to see it too.

I was on my phone for about two more hours, then I finally got out of the bed and started getting ready. I needed to pack for tomorrow, wash my hair, shave and everything else that comes with it.

I first took my makeup from yesterday off, then pulled my panties and bra off my body and threw them in the dirty clothes basket.
Right as I was to step into the shower the door bell rang and groaned, covering myself with a pink robe with pattern of Hello Kitty.

I stepped through my apartment and mentally prepared to who i'm going to see when I open the door.
When I unlocked I saw Lando and wanted to immediately slam the door, but he pushed them with his arm and got into the apartment.

"Get out, Lando." I said without a lot of energy lingering my voice. I wasn't able to look at him in the eyes.
"Berry-" "You have no right to call me that!" I raised my voice at him and lowered my head.
"Amber, please listen to me. Let me explain. Just please." he begged and I looked up and nodded, motioning him to speak.

We sat on the sofa and he tried to hold my hands, but I snatched them away and he sighed.

"The girl that kissed me. She was one of my exes and I promise I pushed her off as soon as she started kissing me. She's still obsessing over me, even though we broke up years ago. I would never cheat on you, please believe me." he calmly said word after word, but should I actually believe it?



guys i'm so sorry for a long break (not by choice, my mum took my phone) BUT I'M BACKKKKK

love y'all xxx

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