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Minho was terrified.

He was currently in a huge cage, collared to the bars of it, the train he was currently in moving roughly, making him constantly crash against the metal bars.

"Almost there, pet." a voice said behind him, a middle-aged man who had brought him into this situation in the first place. "Ready to meet your new owners?"

Minho shook his head, not a peep leaving his mouth. The man had a rule, pets don't speak, and if they did they'd get a punishment. Punishments here were horrible, either being dragged around like a dog or being whipped for hours until you were completely limp.

The anonymous man chuckled, a loud screech and a whistling sound heard when the train came to an abrupt stop, nearly making the cage tip over.

Suddenly, a blanket had been thrown over the enclosure, making Minho squeak from fear. "Shut up, pet. You're gonna be in a truck for a little." the man said, picking the cage up easily, and dragging it to a truck that one of the other workers had brought.

Minho trembled with fear, he was cold, his body being completely bare aside from the boxers which constricted his parts. The only thing he could really use for heat was himself, constantly rubbing his skin to warm himself up soon became tiring.

Minho yelped when the truck began to move, his body trembling harder, he knew the house of his new owners was coming closer, same thing with his death; also coming closer.

He wanted to go back to his family, not become some fuck machine to men he doesn't even know. He began to cry, the hot, crystal-clear tears running down his cheeks, dripping down to the bottom of the cold and uncomfortable cage.

His collar was so tight around his neck, nearly choking him. He would try to remove it, but unfortunately, it would send a signal to whoever put it on him, making the collar shock the boy.

So he stayed put, his body shivering, tears still running down his cheeks like a waterfall. He continued to cry, he was exhausted, stressed, he was feeling horrible.

But he stopped all of that, when the truck had halted, the soft crunching of the tires pushing down against the rocks on the road no longer audible.

The front doors had opened, and next thing you know, Minho was being carried to the house of his new owners, his heart beginning to race horribly. He trembled, each footstep the men took towards the house pulled a soft squeak out of him.

They rang the doorbell.

Minho's heart stopped.

The door had opened, and listened to the people's conversations, biting down on his bottom lip.

"This is your new pet," one of the men said, lifting the cage up. "His previous owner created rules for him, want me to tell you them now?"

Minho shook his head, hoping the male at the door would say no. "Yes please," Minho sobbed, covering his mouth as he began to cry again.

"Alright, so first off, he isn't allowed to speak. Pets can't speak, and if they do then they deserve a punishment. Second of all, they must always have a collar on them, without it, other owners will think that they're a stray, and try to take the pet."

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